
Mitt Romney Wants Everyone To Know His Opinion on Mueller Report…

If you left a bait bucket -wrapped in a plastic bag- sitting in the sun for three days, the results would be be appropriate for Mitt Romney’s latest brand of cologne.
WASHINGTON (Reuters) – Former Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney said on Friday he was “sickened” by the dishonesty of U.S. President Donald Trump and people around him as portrayed in a report on Russia’s attempts to influence the 2016 election. (more)
Apparently Mitt Romney wants the world to know his opinion of the Mueller report:

Strap In – Romney Didn't Wake Up This Morning and Haphazardly Write an Op-Ed to Attack The President of His Own Political Party…

Don’t get so caught up in a furor over Senator-elect Mitt Romney writing a political hit piece against the President of the United States that we forget to look at the big picture.
Senator-elect Mitt Romney’s niece is Ronna McDaniel, Chairwoman of the Republican National Committee (RNC). Senator Romney didn’t just wake up on New Year’s Day and haphazardly write a specifically constructed character assassination against the President of the republican party; who is currently the President of the United States.
No, this attack was done with forethought and specific intent.

Think rationally and logically.  Why write the op-ed at all?  What is the purpose behind writing the op-ed?  What does the author have to gain by writing the op-ed?…
And specifically, given the nature of the familial relationship between republican Senator Romney and RNC Chairwoman McDaniel, not to mention the political profession therein, with the senator writing something highly damaging; well, there’s obviously a larger intended purpose on Romney’s end of the equation.
Likely many will believe Ms. Ronna McDaniel was generally unaware that her uncle was going to take such a position of expressed opposition.  She didn’t know?  Mitt Romney wouldn’t, given the circumstances, tell his niece of his intention?
Let’s presume Romney didn’t tell his niece.  What does that tell us about the character of Mitt Romney; his obvious self-interest; and, in the bigger picture, what does that tell us of his relationship to republican party objectives, writ large?
What exactly is this ‘republican party‘, Romney’s frame-of-reference (under such a presumption), all about?  Who would Mitt and Ann Romney believe is operating it?
If Mitt Romney felt his current DC entry point, constructed by his specific intent, would leave him entirely isolated from any influence and/or affluence from his position – he wouldn’t do it.  Right?  But he did…. so he doesn’t view this adversarial starting point as damaging to his political objectives.

Mitt Romney Kicks off New Year With WaPo Op-ed Attacking Character of President Trump…

Senator-elect Mitt Romney obviously couldn’t wait to kick off the new year with a direct attack against President Donald Trump.  Hell, he hasn’t even taken office yet, and Romney rushes to express his hatred in a strategically aligned op-ed published by the Washington Post:

“The president shapes the public character of the nation. Trump’s character falls short”…

You can read the op-ed here I’m not sharing it.  Romney is a small, foul, bitter and jealous man.  His intent to lead the MAGA resistance was entirely predictable.  F**k Romney!

Also, don’t forget all those who have aligned with Romney throughout the years.


Mitt Romney Places 2nd During Utah Primary Convention Vote – Forced Runoff in June…

In the final round of voting at the Utah Republican party convention, state Representative Mike Kennedy won 50.88% of the vote, and Mitt Romney placed second with 49.12%.

Giddy up.  This forces Mitt Romney into a republican primary runoff in June for the Utah senate seat being vacated by current Senator Orrin Hatch. [Kennedy Website HERE]

(Via The Hill) […] Saturday’s defeat was a surprising turn for Romney, whose national profile far exceeds Kennedy’s and who could count on a strong donor network and the endorsement of prominent Republicans, including Hatch and President Trump.

When he made his bid official, Romney was considered a virtual lock for the GOP nomination and was not expected to face a serious primary challenger.  […] Romney made headlines earlier on Saturday when he said he was not ready to endorse Trump for reelection in 2020, telling CNN he would “make that decision down the road.” (read more)


Mitt Romney Makes It Official – Utah Senate Candidate…

Mitt Romney made it official this morning, he is running for the Senate seat currently held by retiring Orrin Hatch.


Mittens confirmed his plans Friday in an online video. Romney is the epicenter of anti-MAGA and has continued to be a favored son of the GOPe chamber of commerce republican apparatus. A failed presidential candidate with a severely vindictive disposition cloaked in parseltonue and decepticon skin.

Unfortunately, Romney is considered a heavy favorite for the Senate seat held by Orrin Hatch.

Mitt Romney Speaks To Media Following Dinner With Donald Trump (video)…

President-Elect Donald Trump took Mitt Romney to dinner this evening in New York City.  As anticipated, the MSM turned the dinner into the primary event for the evening’s media coverage.  Following the dinner, Mitt Romney spoke to the press in the lobby of Trump Tower:


Donald Trump Takes Mitt Romney and Reince Priebus to Dinner…

President Elect Donald Trump takes Mitt Romney to dinner at Jean Georges in New York City accompanied by Chief of Staff Reince Priebus.
Mr. Trump is such a nice man.
CNN’s Jim Acosta is a media mole inside the restaurant, tweeting pictures, a play-by-play and openly spying on the Trump executive dinner discussion:
trump-dinner-with-romney2 (more…)