Making good pancakes is one of the easiest processes; however, you need just the right ingredients.  Consider this recipe next time:

2 large eggs

1 1/4 cups whole milk

4 tablespoons melted butter

1/4 teaspoon salt

1 3/4 cups flour

2 teaspoons baking powder

1 tablespoon sugar

It stinks that the better option is to communicate like this; alas, sometimes it is necessary simply to avoid the Eye of Sauron – Google. Which is really the reason for writing this.

Our tech overlords really do not like CTH for several reasons, and they put blocks in the internet path in order to make things more difficult.

The two primary reasons they dislike us are:

First, we make all CTH content available free for duplication anywhere anyone wants, along with free reign to change, enhance or make it unique.  The lack of a primary source attribution makes it harder for the tech control systems to control the information flow, which is part of the reason we do it.

Second, we do not need Google, or any other search engine assist in order to share information.  More than 95% of all CTH visits are direct from user bookmarks to the site. This is very rare and a big annoyance for those who control the internet search engine results as a way to tamp down information.

That said, there has been a rather interesting recent development in the world of Google censorship.

With Google AI now doing most of the targeting for internet content control, the Google inputs into the automated sweep/radar now creates the flagged content for Google action.  You could always identify what Google was concerned about by looking at the content they flag for removal under their compliance system.

Google has never, not a single time, ever, set up sweep and search parameters to protect Republicans.   Content against Obama and various Democrats was always the source material they wanted to see removed.   However, for the first time ever, Google is now concerned about criticism and research related to Florida Governor Ron DeSantis.  In fact, Google sweeps are now demanding the removal of content that is critical of Ron DeSantis and the RNC.

In the spreadsheet below you can see 21 CTH articles that have been flagged by Google for their extremist nature.

Research, opinion and analysis of Ron DeSantis is now labeled “dangerous”, “harmful”, and/or “derogatory” by Google.

This should not necessarily come as a surprise, because Ron DeSantis is a candidate supported by all the billionaires and major multinational corporations in the U.S 2024 election.

In addition to being ideologically skewed to the far-left, the Alphabet Google corporation is owned mostly by Blackrock, Vanguard and Larry Page; then come the smaller institutional investment groups.   The multinationals who control Google, also control most of the donor wealth behind Ron DeSantis.

You won’t find anyone on the DeSantis team that admits this fact, but our experience with the Google content police shows they are targeting and demanding the removal of content against the interests of Ron DeSantis.  Google supports DeSantis.

If you thought the Paul Ryan and Jeb Bush support for DeSantis was revealing, how much more revealing is it to realize Google is supporting DeSantis?  What does that tell you?

The Google blackmail goes like this….. Remove the content above, or we will pull all Google Advertising from your website.  Obviously, on our shoestring budget that sucks, but whatever… the larger point is to note how Google is concerned about “harmful claims” against Ron DeSantis.

That is quite a remarkable shift.

Remember, there are trillions at stake, ‘trillions’.  With the geopolitical dynamic being threatened and with trillions of dollars at stake, nothing is ever off the table.

When you think the people who control the world of finance and politics couldn’t possibly be organizing, coordinating and manipulating certain events, again, reevaluate your reference, because they do.

It’s a large network of aligned interests.  It does not take a lot of organization and/or the creation of some massive global conspiracy, to create outcomes of mutual benefit to all parties – when the interests of those parties are aligned inside the economics of the issue.  Instead, the process used has two components:

(1) – Identify the common enemy. Thereby everyone can act according to their institutional interests to undermine and attack that enemy.

(2) – Identify the common solution. Thereby, everyone can align to support the common objective according to their institutional capability.

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Eyes of a mouse/Ears of an elephant…. and don’t forget to live your best life! 
