My steadfast disposition when it comes to research, analysis and truthful discussion, is to write about and share information as it exists – regardless of our comfort or lack therein.  While this independence firmly isolates CTH from outside influence, and we go to great lengths to retain extreme independence, the absence of alignment with herd protection does -in some narrow circumstances- leave us slightly vulnerable.

CTH has always viewed Donald J Trump as the Ty Cobb of politics.  Perhaps, I would even relate the general sense and disposition of CTH to such a comparative analogy.

The truth has no agenda and factually doesn’t care about our feelings.  We try to ensure information and analysis found here always carries that same authentic truth.

The discoveries might suck but we move forward knowing our reality as it exists, not as we would pretend/wish it to be.

That said, and after twice being targeted by the very system we expose, and despite victories in both examples, it has been recommended that I establish a defensive fund.  Not because any risk exists, but more of an insurance policy against the type of lawfare that now appears to be an ongoing effort.

This website operates on the principle that truthful information should not come at a price and should not come through any filter. It never will, and I sincerely appreciate all of the support from readers and contributors who help cover the multiple costs of independent operations that are anti-fragile to the efforts of a controlling ideology in a big tech dominated world.

I pledge to you this.  Regardless of the opposition’s strength or influence, in the battlespace of information sharing, this website will be the last to fall.

Steadfast and love to all,

~ Sundance

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