Obviously, the office of White House Chief of Staff Ron Klain is urgently contacting pollsters to measure how the base of the party would feel if the administration did not challenge the federal court ruling that overturned the federal mask mandate for transportation.

The far-left is on its heels after a Tampa judge overturned the CDC’s legal framework for the mask mandate rule, and the TSA changed their guidance.  Most of the Biden support base, the Covidians, define themselves through the virtue signaling of wearing a mask. However, all of the airlines quickly abandoned rules for masks during travel, and the overwhelming majority of Americans cheered.

Now, the Biden DOJ finds themselves in a hot political place.  Biden is stuck between the mentally and emotionally unstable Covidians (10%) and the normal Americans (90%).  If the DOJ doesn’t challenge the ruling, the Covidians will be even more mad. [Psaki Transcript Here]

(WASHINGTON DC) – […]  White House press secretary Jen Psaki, speaking to reporters aboard Air Force One en route to New Hampshire, said the Justice Department was still reviewing the ruling and noted that these reviews typically take a few days. She pointed out that the CDC had said previously it needed 15 days to evaluate public health data related to the mask mandate.

“Public health decisions shouldn’t be made by the courts. They should be made by public health experts,” Ms. Psaki said.

Republicans and some Democrats praised Monday’s ruling by the judge, who was appointed by former President Donald Trump, a Republican. “It’s about time,” said Rep. Sam Graves, the top Republican on the House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee. “This hypocritical and overreaching mandate was never about health or science.” (read more)

Arriving in New Hampshire today, Biden was asked what should travelers do about wearing masks?   Biden said, “It’s up to them”.
