update-1Update: Video of Scott Walker’s message as he bows out.  Profoundly promoting the RNC/GOPe party message, and selling Jeb Bush:

(@02:33) …”Today, I believe that I am being called to lead by helping to clear the field in this race so that a positive conservative message can rise to the top of the field. With this in mind I will suspend my campaign immediately. I encourage other republican presidential candidates to consider doing the same, so that the voters can focus on a limited number of candidates who can offer a positive conservative alternative to the current frontrunner. This is fundamentally important to the future of the party, and more importantly to the future of our country”…

Perhaps people will understand now why we long ago stopped supporting Scott Walker; and why we stated back on July 13th that Scott Walker had become part of the GOPe party apparatus writ large:

Yes, if the Walker Campaign has Brad Dayspring as the Communications Director – you can be 100% GUARANTEED the establishment GOP (Tom Donohue) has him [Walker]  there as part of the entire construct to control the primary election outcome.

Yes, yet again, as ABSOLUTELY PREDICTED, the grand plan is once more affirmed. (link)

Also Previously Written:

Scott Walker with Hand…” […] We have a couple of remaining tripwires which could be triggered any moment now:

1.) Joe Biden entering the race (predicted back in August).

2.) Members of the race who are not vital to the GOPe apparatus dropping out. (Scott Walker, Rick Santorum and/or Rand Paul most notably)

It is quite plausible with all the current turmoil amid the various low polling camps, that between now and October 1st we could see an even more bold contrast amid the Team that is specifically in the race to help Bush (8 remaining party “splitters”: Fiorina, Rubio, Kasich, Huckabee, Christie, Graham, Pataki and Gilmore), and the non-party supported candidates of Trump, Cruz and Carson (although it preliminarily appears Carson has peaked).

Bobby Jindal, Rick Santorum, Scott Walker and/or Rand Paul could slowly drop out, and the GOPe road map would still remain viable for Jeb Bush and his team.  At the very least you could expect some campaign shake-ups.  However, much of this ultimately depends on the Super-PAC financiers. (link)

Now Today:
