Sticky Post Until Election Results Come In


Kentucky candidate Matt Bevin and family

Our Father who art in heaven; please put roadblocks in the path of McConnell supporters.  Turtles slowly crossing the road will do just nicely – with a smidgen of irony not withstanding.   Through You all things are possible.

Please allow a sense of righteous motivation, protection and positive energy to flow mysteriously through the hearts of the patriots who boldly walk affirmed to save our republic and vote for Matt Bevin.   Deliver the righteous to the polls with quick dispatch, as we remember it is quite possible for David to slay Goliath.

It was the Tennessean and Kentuckian long rifle militia who eventually turned the tide of the revolutionary war in favor of the republic.   We pray for that same committed spirit today.   In your name  – AMEN

Polling hours 6:00a EDT / 6:00a CDT  to 6:00p EDT / 6:00p CDT.

Poll closing time could be rather problematic in KENTUCKY.  A large chunk of the state is in Central Time [but the networks consider that “most of the polls have closed” in KENTUCKY by 6 PM Eastern Time and so, if they can, project at the same time they project INDIANA].

Central Time voters in KENTUCKY may note the networks’ willingness/eagerness to project a winner as early as 6 PM Eastern Time.

