Five Weeks remain until May 20th 2014

Arguably the most important date, heck – the most important 12 hours, in the entire 2014/2016 election season.   May 20th is the Kentucky GOP Primary vote.

Between the hours of 6:00am and 6:00pm EST the Republic will be determined

Many people are focused on November 2014 and beyond.  However, in my analysis and opinion the Kentucky primary will determine the entire construct of the political landscape for 2014 and well beyond to the Presidential race of 2016.

matt bevinMitch McConnell

Grass roots party candidate Matt Bevin faces GOP Establishment Mitch McConnell.

Tuesday 20 May 2014 – Primary. Polling hours 6:00a EDT / 6:00a CDT  to 6:00p EDT / 6:00p CDT.
Poll closing time could be rather problematic in KENTUCKY.  A large chunk of the state is in Central Time [but the networks consider that “most of the polls have closed” in KENTUCKY by 6 PM Eastern Time and so, if they can, project at the same time they project INDIANA].
Central Time voters in KENTUCKY may note the networks’ willingness/eagerness to project a winner as early as 6 PM Eastern Time.
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(Via SCF) There is no Senate race in the country that is more important than the Republican primary election in Kentucky between Senate Republican Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) and conservative businessman Matt Bevin (R-KY).
The outcome of the Republican primary in Kentucky will determine the direction of the Republican Party for years to come.
If Mitch McConnell wins, the party will continue to drift away from its conservative principles and become increasingly hostile to the grassroots. But if Matt Bevin wins, the establishment’s stranglehold over the party will be broken and power will be restored to the people who elect these politicians.
We have several things to report on this race and we hope you will take a few minutes to read this important update.
— Matt Bevin is gaining national attention.
Mitch McConnell likes to tell his Beltway friends that Matt Bevin isn’t a credible candidate, but the truth is Bevin is one of the most compelling Republican candidates running anywhere in the country.
If he were running in any other race, the party would be holding him up as their top recruit. It’s only because he’s running against the leader of the Republican establishment that they attack him.
Politico published a major profile article on Bevin’s campaign last week, a clear sign that the national media is beginning to take him seriously.
Read the story and watch the short interview they taped with Bevin.
— Matt Bevin is winning local support.
Matt Bevin is building support in Kentucky and gaining on Mitch McConnell in the polls. Bevin trailed by 50 points when he entered the race, but now he’s behind by as few as 20 points. He’s working hard and has cut McConnell’s lead in half.
Bevin just won the support of Bernie Kunkel, one of Senator Rand Paul’s district directors, who announced this week that he’s leaving Paul’s office to work for Bevin’s campaign. “I have to help the best man in the upcoming U.S. Senate race and that man is Matt Bevin. It is time for a change,” Kunkel said.

And there are new converts emerging across the state. One political operative in Kentucky who writes an influential blog recently wrote this:
“Matt Bevin is a man of character and tells it like it is. I met him a few times when I was attending Tea Party meetings and GOP picnics throughout Kentucky. I spoke to him in great lengths when I was previously supporting McConnell and he took the time to listen and offer up his views. I knew then that he was a great family man and a great American, but Matt Bevin is a man that simply gets it. He understands the situation in both Kentucky and Washington, but he also offers a fresh outlook and competitive spirit that will surely get more Kentuckians to give him a listen.”
— Matt Bevin is uniting the conservative movement.
Bevin won the endorsement of FreedomWorks last week, one of the nation’s largest grassroots organizations. As many of you may know, FreedomWorks has been instrumental in helping candidates like Rand Paul (R-KY), Mike Lee (R-UT), and Ted Cruz (R-TX) overcome long odds.
Matt Kibbe, the president of FreedomWorks, said, “Now more than ever, we need strong fiscal conservatives who will fight to cut spending on the front lines, not the sidelines. Matt Bevin is a great upgrade for Kentuckians who are serious about transparency, fiscal responsibility, and accountability in government.”
There are now several major conservative groups backing Bevin’s campaign, including the Senate Conservatives Fund, FreedomWorks, Madison Project, and Gun Owners of America. He’s also been endorsed by leading conservative voices like Glenn Beck, Mark Levin, and Erick Erickson.
TAKE A STAND, MAKE A DIFFERENCE (continue reading)
