Do not under any circumstance write the full wording for what “CRS” means anywhere on this thread in the comments. Got it? I cannot stress this enough. If you do – I’ll have to delete this post.
privacyYou know where I was on July 3rd. You probably also know why I was there.  Look at both the publication date of this “Media Advisory” – and the “Event Date“.  (link)
Well here you go. Here’s the final bread crumb trail to a discussion I’ve shared with you for months. Many of you have actually, and understandably, struggled to understand it. Even more cannot fathom how this is possible. [DiwataMan, this one is also special just for you]
If there is any possibility of the case being dropped by “motion of direct verdict” upon presentation to the judge, then how is it possible for this to be pre-scheduled ?  Again, look at the date of the CRS hosted CRB event – And you will understand how scripted this entire trial actually is.   The schedule is, and has been, pre-determined all along.  Coordinated by the Feds and the DOJ through the CRS.
crs 1

crs 2
Here is the advisory link CLICK HERE.   And I would also suggest you read this HERE.

“There is no point in having a meeting to discuss the case on the Tuesday after the State rests, if there was ANY concern that the judge would dismiss the case on Friday or the following Monday.   The CRS  and the CRB as well as the local police departments are not showing the slightest concern that this could be over by tomorrow, hence it won’t be”. 

D-Man, this also somewhat supports that “out there” theory you had several months ago.
