By now most people are aware that President Obama presented a budget in March for congress to consider.   He is legally bound to do so.  It died in the Senate because Democrat Majority Leader Harry Reid refused to bring it up for a vote.

You might also remember the bi-partisan “STOCK ACT” bill that passed the House in overwhelming measure.   The ‘Stock Act’  is the bill that was to ban members of Congress from using nonpublic information to profit their private investments, or insider trading.   It is dead in the Senate because Democrat Majority Leader Harry Reid refuses to bring it up for a vote.

Now the House is set to pass their budget proposal collected and named after congressman Paul Ryan, “The Ryan Plan”.    Unfortunately all indications are that it too will die in the Senate because Democrat Majority Leader Harry Reid will refuse to bring it up for a vote.
Yet despite the obvious obstructionism of the Democrats in the Senate, somehow the President frames the Republican House as holding up progress.
Go Figure.
I wonder why the media never challenges this?
