This ongoing saga is ridiculous, but it is one of the rare times when Piers Morgan is in alignment with common sense and the majority sentiment within his country.  Prince Harry and Meghan Markle are insufferable elites attempting to make their entitled selves into victims.  It is ridiculous.

People who have watched the way the Obama team use pop culture to advance Marxist political objectives have already seen through the ruse of the Meghan Markle comments with Oprah Winfrey.  It was not accidental the interview comments about racism were organized, timed and released to coincide with the George Floyd trial in Minnesota.  It’s how the cultural Marxists work.

If any group of people can see through to the orchestration of this, it is you, the CTH community.  We have researched the Obama use of racism as a political tool for years; that technique includes using media figures like Oprah.  The Chicago fingerprints of the familiar architects are clear as day on this ridiculous story.
