…The Battle Really is For Your Mind

We warned overnight that revealing the structural inner works behind the closed doors of “media polls” was going to result in a necessary change in behavior by them in order for the ruse to be maintained. This reaction is what the corporate (Wall Street) media always do when they’re exposed to sunlight.
This morning MSNBC Morning Joe, discussed the poll and called it “cooked”.
[wpvideo dfRNyIjK]
However, don’t accept the self-interested positioning. Everyone sitting around that table participated in the Hillary Clinton campaign pre-launch meeting as outlined by WikiLeaks (you’ll note they never disclosed on their own).
NBC promptly deleted the video of the segment. It briefly appeared, then disappeared from MSNBC’s You Tube channel.  MediaIte captured it before it was scrubbed.
Why? Because the dot connection becomes simple and brutally obvious.

♦ Friday NBC/Universal releases the controversial Trump tape done by Billy Bush for Access Hollywood.
♦ Saturday and Sunday the same NBC/Universal coordinate with Hart Research and Associates for a poll/survey.
♦ Hart Research President, Geoff Garin, works for (and is paid by) Hillary Clinton’s Super-PAC.
♦ Monday, Hart Research, release the “cooked poll”, and NBC/WSJ begin promoting, while other media pile on to support.
Even a modest political follower can spot the narrative construction in timeline, against the backdrop of the relationships involved in the entire matter.

This was a timed, strategic, and fully coordinated, media political hit between NBC/Universal and Priorities USA – All the entities involved are Team Clinton.

Do not mentally allow the MSNBC Team (Joe Scarborough), professionals at gas lighting, to head obtusely toward the exits as if this is some jaw-agape shock to them. It’s not.
The issue for MSNBC (NBC/Universal) is how brutally obvious it all becameAND– people looking deeply into the financial connections between so called “media polling” and the political entities of Team Clinton.
Break the cycle of battered electorate syndrome and begin fighting back against your abuser:
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