obama in europe(<– NOTE picture on left is Obama yesterday)
ABC News is reporting that President Obama will be cutting his trip in Europe short by one day and will travel to Dallas Texas early next week:

(ABC) President Obama is cutting his Europe trip short and will visit Dallas next week, the White House announced tonight.
“The President will return to Washington on Sunday night – one day earlier than planned,” the White House press secretary said in a statement. “The President will no longer travel to Seville.”

The statement continued: “The President has accepted an invitation from Dallas Mayor Mike Rawlings to travel to Dallas early next week.” (more)

Many CTH readers will remember the last trip President Obama made to Dallas where he met with “faith leaders” (they weren’t really) to create an optic of assistance for the self-created Unaccompanied Alien Children (UAC) crisis in July 2014.
He was requesting $4 BILLION in emergency “humanitarian” funding for the UAC Crisis. He never got the $4 billion, and a few weeks later the story just, POOF, disappeared.
obama dallas 5
obama dallas 6
[July 9th 2014] […]  but for the sake of understanding how President Obama was painting the scene you have a pretty good idea from above.   This is what Team Obama call the “optics” of the presidency.
A listener, or a media person writing in general terms about what they just witnessed would probably write an article like this, or perhaps like this.   Essentially giving you an impression similar to what you would believe having just watched the speech.
The impression intended would be that President Obama just met with a bunch of religious organizational heads, perhaps priests, pastors and ministers.  Along with “faith based” advocates who are helping to deal with the immediate needs of the illegal aliens, unaccompanied minors, and the larger “border crisis”.
You would be wrong.  (read the entire story)
obama_delivers budget_

It’s always about the optics !

Everyone knows what the Dallas visit is going to focus on… Gun Control.  Just watch.  The Democrats will be back doing their House of Reps stompy feet sit-in to time exactly with the date of the speech Obama will deliver in Dallas.
Wanna bet?
