We’ve said it before, and we’ll continue to repeat it, watch how deep and entrenched the financial tentacles of Wall Street Globalists are amid the DC politburo.  There is an entire construct of professional political operatives intent on doing the bidding of the Donohue Clan despite the electorate being opposed to it.
GOP gang of 8
Arizona Senator Jeff Flake (Gang of Eight Immigration usurper, Wall Street Operative and foot soldier for the U.S. Chamber of Commerce) tells Business Insider that congress needs to ignore the voters, defy the will of their constituency, and just pass the Trans-Pacific Trade deal.

[Via Business Insider] The agreement is expected to be put before Congress during the lame-duck session after the election. It’s the critical piece of President Barack Obama’s “pivot to Asia” in foreign policy.

[…]  Arizona Sen. Jeff Flake told Business Insider during a Wednesday interview that Congress is going to have to “suck up” and ratify the agreement because it simply must be done, even in the face of hostile opposition to trade along the campaign trail.

He hopes the deal will “eventually” pass.

“I do still think there are enough people that realize we’ve got to do it,” the Arizona Republican said. “Some of those things you just suck up and do it because you know it has to be done. And this is one of them.” (read more)

There are a myriad of operatives, self-interests and parasitic entities who corrupt the entire U.S. body politic. However, at the epicenter of all of them is one man, Tom Donohue, the head of the U.S. Chamber of Commerce.
The CoC is the legislative influencing firm behind all of the crony capitalistic and Wall Street schemes.  Since 2013 we have specifically documented the legislative agenda of Tom Donohue, Wall Street, and their lobbying arm the U.S. Chamber of Commerce.  The CoC legislative agenda includes:

  • Passage of the Trans-Pacific Trade Deal
  • Retention of ObamaCare – Without repeal or modification
  • Implementation of Federal Common Core Education Standards
  • Comprehensive Immigration Reform to include Amnesty

tom donohueTrump grin
In a January article, Donohue stepped out from behind the curtain and decried the frontrunner of the presidential race.  Donohue stated he was fearful the U.S. CoC would not be able to purchase influence with Donald Trump.

(Via Wall Street Journal) The head of the nation’s biggest business lobby inveighed against presidential candidates singling out immigrants, ethnic or religious groups, highlighting divisions among supporters of the Republican establishment and the party’s leading candidate Donald Trump.

“There are the voices, sometimes very loud voices, who talk about walling off America from talent and trade and who are attacking whole groups of people based not on their conduct but on their ethnicity or religion,” Thomas Donohue, president of the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, said in a speech on Thursday. “This is morally wrong and politically stupid.” (link)

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The U.S. Chamber of Commerce is not even remotely similar to the local Chambers’ of Commerce that most people might be familiar with. The U.S. CoC sets the legislative priorities for congress and tells Mitch McConnell and Paul Ryan what to do.
At the very heart of our nation’s political strife you will find the U.S. CoC’s legislative priorities which are antithetical to American Values and American Interests. The CoC is looking out for international corporations and the upper echelon of Wall Street interests.
It is from the U.S. CoC you find the demand for: Retention of ObamaCare, implementation of Federal Common Core education standards; advancement of Trans-Pacific Trade Deal; and Comprehensive Immigration Reform to include amnesty.
Tom Donohue spends almost unlimited money to protect the corporate interests of his group. It is Donohue’s team who negotiate the details, write the laws, and place their thumbs on the scales of benefit, always looking out for their own globalist best interests:
Barack Obama, Julian Castro, Thomas Donohue, William Bratton

[…] When asked if the comments were specifically about Mr. Trump, Mr. Donohue said they applied to any one of the candidates from the right who “stepped over the boundary” on issues such as immigration and trade.
“They lost track of who we are and what we stand for and how we fix this economy,” he said.
But the remarks closely echo similar comments from South Carolina Gov. Nikki Haley and other Republicans who have pushed back against of Mr. Trump’s policy prescriptions on immigration and security.
Mr. Donohue and the chamber typically stay out of presidential elections but often weigh in on behalf of Republican candidates in other races. One of the group’s top priorities this year is maintaining what it calls a “pro-growth majority” in the Senate–in other words, retaining GOP control. Already last July, it had started running ads in support of four Republicans seeking to keep or win Senate seats.
Indeed, Mr. Donohue was critical of the Obama administration and Democrats who want to “double down” on spending, entitlement, tax and regulatory policies that the Chamber believes are holding back the economy.
But the presidential race, and much of the rhetoric emanating from it, have clearly given businesses pause. Mr. Donohue called the unfolding election “damn serious and sometimes a little scary.” (more)

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Tom Donohue is exceptionally fearful of Donald Trump, a candidate they cannot control, carrying a mandate and America-first set of priorities he cannot influence.

trump im with you
