CNN calls this: “The commander in chief’s fury, which seethed out of him in a stunning soliloquy on live television, amounted to a moment of historic significance: a president castigating one of the two people who could succeed him as beyond the constitutional and political norms of the nation itself.
However, what’s more evident is how Donald Trump’s criticism of the weak and ineffective security policies of President Obama is directly on target.  The Orlando massacre is a visible outcome of the current president’s ineffective anti-terrorism policies.
Obama’s policies are in the sunlight; he is scared, diminished and lashing out:

The common sense America-First candidacy of Donald Trump is revealing the true dangers to ordinary Americans. 
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It has only been two days since the massacre in Orlando Florida, yet current information shows a toxic combination of political correctness and subsequent failures within national security policy objectives are part of the problem.
The politically correct danger -which Trump has outlined- begins with an unwillingness to name the enemy correctly and only gets worse from there.  The policies which stem from an unwillingness to confront the exact enemy renders the proposed solutions ineffective.
Donald Trump is entirely correct and President Obama knows that as more details surface from the Pulse nightclub attack, the evidence will show how failed he is….

President Obama and Hillary Clinton are surrounded by people who are beginning to accept and understand that Trump’s common sense message is resonating much louder than the self-serving parseltongue of his opposition.
Trump is winning.
And when Trump wins – America Wins !

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