Following another Donald Trump rally, the Bernie Sanders anarchists and Hillary Clinton supporters, undocumented Democrats, once again turned to violent confrontation.  LA Times reporter Matt Pearce shared his experience:
Trump rally anaheim

Mexican Flags and Middle Fingers were the dominant theme amid the Democrats on display.

The patriotic Trump supporters carried/waved American flags, while the Clinton/Sanders supporters carried Mexican flags and attempted to confront a very diverse group of Donald Trump supporters.
trump rally anaheim 3
The larger alignment of the anti-American demonstrators were predominantly Bernie Sanders supporters.
trump rally anaheim 2

#FDT = “Fuck Donad Trump”

In this vine video below the Bernie Sanders supporter is spitting on two Donald Trump supporters.  *note* the irony of Trump Supporters being more culturally and ethnically diverse: Black, White and Asian supporters for Donald Trump.
In this next vine video the same group of Bernie Supporters began to manhandle an older female Trump supporter.  Her son stepped in to defend his mom and confront the anti-American protestors.
As noted earlier, much of the antagonism is funded by various Social Justice Groups affiliated with George Soros. –SEE HERE
trump psl

PSL = Party for Socialism and Liberation
