The newly elected Mayor of London, England, Sadiq Khan, sent a rather disturbing public message to the United States and candidate Donald Trump today.  The implied threat content is more than a little alarming:
mayor of london
How does a persons’ view of a group make the viewer “less safe”, unless the viewed group have an inherent propensity to violence?
What Mayor Khan is essentially outlining is the preferred position of all abusers.

If you had only made me a better sandwich my disappointment wouldn’t have made me punch you in the face.

Candidate Donald Trump previously proposed a temporary ban on Muslim immigration, specifically Syrian refugees, due to an abundance of caution over terrorist threats – combined with an inability to successfully vet the person(s).  It appears Mayor Khan is affirming the violent propensity of the denied constituency.  Very alarming.
Here’s some pictures from London in 2009 and 2010:
Islam Demonstration
