Radio screamer Mark Levin’s approach at selling his nonsense can be captured within the following quote:

If you make people think they’re thinking, they’ll love you. If you really make them think, they’ll hate you. ~ Don Marquis

Levin’s approach relies on gaslighting an audience into “thinking they’re thinking“.  This was never more clear than today when Mark Levin pens an article calling candidate Donald Trump “A Globalist“, and then assembles a word salad of counter-intuitive arguments to prove a ridiculously false assertion.
Mark Levinetom donohue
However, there is a profound benefit to seeing Mr. Levin completely remove the mask of his crony-constitutional ruse, join arms with Tom Donohue and the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, and simultaneously present himself naked to an audience breaking free of battered conservative syndrome.
The basic arguments made by Levin are so ridiculous, they fall directly into the same category as New York Times economist/propaganda-specialist, Paul Krugman.

Arguments including:

  • Donald Trump is a globalist because he owns hotels and resorts in other countries.
  • Donald Trump is a globalist because he sells branded products made in other countries…
  • Donald Trump is a globalist because he approves import tariffs.

Oh dear.
If Levin wasn’t such an insufferably small person, we’d be embarrassed for him.  But the best part of the article is this one:

[…]  And for all Trump’s criticisms of foreigners stealing American jobs, nine of Trump’s companies have tried to import at least 1,100 foreign workers to America via short-term visas. (link)

The hotlink within the quoted paragraph highlights a CBS article which notes Donald Trump resorts (mostly Mar Largo in South Florida) used temp-workers during peak seasons from 2000 to 2015.  Yes, 1,100 workers over 15 years – or 74 temporary, part-time, workers per year.
The entire proposition is silly.  We’ve previously pointed out how the temp-worker program is customary and wide-spread throughout and South Florida due entirely because of the seasonality of business.  FULL DETAILS HERE  [It was crazy used in 2001 – 2006 as the entire U.S. economy was in overdrive]
Every service business from hotels and resorts, to restaurants, grocery stores and a myriad of service businesses depend on these “seasonal workers” to cope with the quadrupling of business need from January to Easter annually in South Florida – Peak Season is Feb/March.
Why do you think it was never an issue during the February GOP Debate in Miami-Dade?  Because anyone bringing it up would have been laughed off the stage – including Marco Rubio.
But Mark Levin knows this.
Mark Levin knows this, because Mark Levin has spent a lot of time in the South Florida area being served by guest worker waitresses, guest worker bartenders, guest worker bussers, car washers, grocery stock clerks, and various attendees.
Mark Levin knows this because he’s attended seasonal conferences, given speeches, and been surrounded by these seasonal guest workers at each venue.
So why does Mark Levin need to make a non-issue it a point of consternation?
Mark Levine - Thumbs Up.Because he needs to sell a propaganda point.   Because he’s #NeverTrump. Because he needs to frame an argument he knows is inherently silly.
Because, well, quite simply, he’s trying to remain relevant – and in doing so he’s exposing all of the hypocrisy, abject bull crap, he’s sold through the years on his radio shows and in his books.
Trump’s America First policy platform has exposed the fraud inherent within dozens of so-called “conservative pundits”.   Mark Levin is just another name on a long list of people whose deception and true-intents have been made completely visible for everyone to see.
Levin is now linked arm-in-arm with U.S. Chamber of Commerce President, Tom Donohue.   Donohue is the architect of the TPP trade deal and the chief point person who has established the legislative priority list for Paul Ryan and Mitch McConnell.
Perhaps this new nakedness surrounding Levin will make people more curious about other aspect he has never reconciled.  Like, why would Levin support Cruz after his vote for the Cardin/Corker amendment to the Iran Deal; an obvious constitutional usurpation inverting the rules of the Senate from 61 approval votes, to 61 votes to deny approval.
Or, more alarmingly – why would Mark Levin be continually calling for an Article 5 Convention of the States?   Thanks to the presidential bid of Donald Trump the corrupt shenanigans of the various state party leaders, party insiders and elected officials within the GOPe, have been given a massive dose of sunlight surrounding their delegate schemes.
Understanding the ideology at play within the political apparatus, just imagine what these same voices would do if the U.S. constitution were opened up for changes at a Convention of the States.
Do you think the republic could survive such powerful self-interests?
Or,…. then again…. is that level of grand risk and usurpation the entire reason why Levin was pushing it in the first place?   Does Mark Levin want the same untrustworthy and corrupt Machiavellian consorts (currently in charge of delegate manipulation) to be in full control of a constitutional re-write?
Was this his original intent?
Think carefully.  Think logically.
See the new political landscape with, well, “new eyes”, now wide open.

If you make people think they’re thinking, they’ll love you. If you really make them think, they’ll hate you. ~ Don Marquis

U.S. Republican presidential candidate Trump hugs a U.S. flag as he takes the stage for a campaign town hall meeting in Derry

What exactly has Mark Levin ever conserved?

♦ And if you want to see the effect of Tariffs in 2016 – SEE HERE
Never trump crowd
