Knowing the GOPe road map to nominate Jeb Bush depends upon a strategy of diminished primary voter turnout, the Stump for Trump ladies make a video showing how to change party registration.
Voting for Donald Trump in the primary is CRITICAL to defeating the GOPe scheme.

In addition to the things Trump is doing (exposing their money constructs and their actual unwillingness to address immigration reform), and beyond supporting Trump as he exposes them,  there are things WE MUST ALSO DO in order to defeat their plan.
The GOPe will want to push Trump supporters out of the official Republican party. This is by design. This is why you are seeing such vitriolic statements being made about registered Republican primary voters by the leadership inside the GOPe that need to control the registered Republican primary voters.
Don’t fall for their manipulations.
Many states have “closed primaries”, meaning only Registered Republicans can vote in the Republican primary. If you live in one of these states, and you leave the Republican party, you are playing into their hands. Don’t fall for it.
CLOSED PRIMARY STATES INCLUDE: Alaska, Arizona, California, Connecticut, Washington DC, Delaware, Florida, Hawaii, Iowa, Idaho, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maryland, Maine, Michigan, Montana, North Dakota, New Mexico, New York, Oklahoma, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Washington State, Wyoming.  (Link I ~AND~ Link II)
Many other states are either “open” or “modified”. Open meaning you can vote in any primary regardless of party registration. Modified meaning registered independents can vote in any single party primary.  IMPORTANT – Call your county elections office and find out which one you are in.

So long as Donald Trump remains in the Republican Party, in order to support the insurgency, you too must remain registered inside the republican party.  If you leave it, you won’t be able to support him.

Remember, the RNC/GOPe will want to lose the general election rather than have Donald Trump win the White House. If they say differently, you know they are full of lies – four years worth of track records and specific behavior proves it.
Trump rally texas 2
