Not exactly sure why this was announced and presented today other than to put to rest the insufferable lies within the U-VA rape case which drew massive attention after the Rolling Stone article which choose not to fact check the story prior to selling it.

Charlottesville Police Chief Longo is arguably one of the most precariously proficient PC edge-walkers within law enforcement. He’s been the face of several high profile Charlottesville investigations including the Hannah Graham murder. Most recently Longo has been walking the PC tightrope in the U-VA student Martese Johnson nonsense.

chief longorolling stone

However, today he had the dubious task of telling the world the U-VA rape case was a total hoax, a fraud, an intentionally constructed series of lies by a pathologically unstable female nutter.

Of course Longo couldn’t exactly say it that way (though at times it appeared to leak out) after all, we are talking about Northern Virginia – and the grand proximity to the liberal epicenter that is Washington DC and Marylandistan.

Somehow Longo -once again- successfully found a way to tap dance through the minefield of delicate liberal sensibilities and avoid the media pitfalls of calling a liberal liar a, well, liar. The non-victim -victim- was perhaps just misspeaking, probably – or something.

As Chuck Ross assembles the words via Daily Caller – Charlottesville, Va. police chief Timothy Longo said Monday that he was unable to “conclude to any substantive degree” that a University of Virginia student named Jackie was gang-raped at a fraternity party in 2012, as she told a Rolling Stone reporter for an article published in November.

Longo also revealed for the first time during a press conference that Jackie likely embellished another story involving an attack last April.

However, the police chief stated that Jackie will “absolutely not” face charges in the case. He also said that despite evidence suggesting that Jackie fabricated the story, “that doesn’t mean that something terrible didn’t happen.”

But Longo told reporters that because of a lack of information and because Jackie has refused to provide statements to the police that the investigation into the gang-rape is “suspended” rather than closed. (read more)

Here’s part of the presser:

They don’t pay that guy enough.

They don’t pay this guy, near enough:
