Just to balance the considerations here ~ Italy, Germany and Spain have now demanded 21 day forced quarantine for our military personnel who are based overseas and travel to Africa.  Including Italy requiring the U.S. Army to put a U.S. General, Major General Darryl Williams, under armed guard during his quarantine.

Good grief the media “victim” propaganda is extreme below; but it’s no wonder.

kaci hickox and partnerThink of all the victim ‘check-boxes’ she fits.  Typhoid Mary, aka Kaci Hickox (picture credit GotNews) is a: • Northeast liberal (Maine), •far-left activist, • lesbian, • Democrat, • federal government employee, • working for the CDC.

Media Victim Checklist: (√ = Victim Value Scale)

√ √ Democrat
√√ √ Female
√ √ √ √ √ Gay
√ √ √ Liberal-Activist
√ Northeast (Maine)
√ √ Federal Employee

“This is an extreme that is really unacceptable, and I feel like my basic human rights have been violated”. – Kaci Hickox 

Chris Christie didn’t stand a chance.  Now things begin to make sense about how Ms. Hickox is being sold to the public as a victim.  It also explains why they had to inject her school, the University of Texas, to avoid the reality of her being a typical Northeast Liberal; and to sell the Dr’s without borders angle to obfuscate she’s actually a federal employee

Including this insufferably biased article about her being forced to sit isolated in tent in the parking lot of a New Jersey hospital.

(Via Daily Mail) Chris Christie was forced on Monday to allow a nurse being kept in a tent in a hospital parking lot to go home after intense White House pressure to relax a mandatory 21-day quarantine the New Jersey Governor had imposed at a state level.


The embarrassing turnaround came after Obama chaired a White House meeting on the rules and successfully lobbied Christie’s New York counterpart, Gov. Andrew Cuomo, to relax their quarantine rules – even as Americans grow more concerned about the possibility of a pandemic emergency.

Cuomo gave in on behalf of New Yorkers. But as of Sunday Christie was still pushing for more aggressive measures to protect New Jerseyans, saying he had ‘no second thoughts’ about the policy.

Christie is a likely entrant into the 2016 Republican Party presidential primary, and the intergovernmental Ebola skirmishes will provide both major political parties with new ammunition.

Nurse Kaci Hickox tested negative for Ebola twice, but she had remained in a forced hospital quarantine as of Monday morning.  (read more)
