judicial watchThe games continue.
Last month Judge Emmet Sullivan of the U.S. District Court in Washington gave the Internal Revenue Service exactly a month -until Aug. 10- to file a report, which he demanded as part of a lawsuit from a conservative watchdog, Judicial Watch, against the agency.
Judge Sullivan said the inspector general’s investigation shouldn’t stop the IRS from detailing under oath what happened to Lerner’s emails.   The contention, at the heart of the matter, is the missing “emails” that Lerner sent and/or received during the time conservative groups were being targeted by the IRS.
The goal of the Judge was to provide relief for Judicial Watch in the form of pinning down the IRS to explain how they lost, and were unable to recover, over a year of internal emails from Ms. Lerner.   Again, the specific goal was forcing the IRS to outline the missing “emails”.
Yesterday, at the last possible minute, the IRS responded.
However, they never responded to the substance of the “emails”.   Instead they submitted 24 pages of affidavits from IT employees about the events of the crashed “hard drive”.
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Which led to the following response from Judicial Watch:

These sworn declarations delivered to the court today were to discuss what happened to Lois Lerner’s “lost” emails and any other computer records reportedly lost by the IRS.
This latest IRS filing seems to treat as a joke Judge Sullivan’s order requiring the IRS to produce details about Lois Lerner’s “lost” emails and any efforts to retrieve and produce them to Judicial Watch as required under law.
Frankly, it seems the cover-up continues.  (link)
