Sometimes ya gotta’ call the baby ugly !

a-prayer-for-times-like-theseSunTrust Inc.  Has reversed itself.   But what difference does that make ? 

Anyone who would continue to do business with SunTrust Bank is being codependent to an ideological system quite comfortable with radical progressive, ideological targeting – now exposed.

It matters not that SunTrust would recognize *NOW* the insufferable stupidity behind such a bigoted un-American decision.   What matters, what really matters, is that they would act on a sensibility of mob rule without care or consequence in the first place.

The “reversal” is a business decision.   Would they have reversed without the calls, emails and consequences of the soon-to-be closed bank accounts ?   FUCK NO !

An hour after the wife lays bloodied and battered on the bathroom floor, for daring to go out without permission, the “husband” walks into the room, kneels down and apologizes for the black eye and broken lip.   “I’m sorry; It’ll never happen again; I made a mistake; But it wasn’t my fault, I just care about you so much”…..

Yeah, right…..   Stay?  At what cost to self ?   Who is the benefactor of such ?

The only way to deal with abuse is to remove yourself from the opportunity to be abused.   Any customer who would accept SunTrust’s apology and stay with their association, knowing full well the tentative position and inherent risk now evident, IS A FOOL.

We are living in a time of great consequence.  Failure to accept the existence of evil around you WILL NOT protect you from it.  Stand boldly, stare that crap down and provide NO QUARTER !   Crush them without concern.

(Via Daily Caller) After an uproar from conservative customers, SunTrust Banks announced Friday afternoon that the decision to end its relationship with real estate entrepreneurs David and Jason Benham had been reversed.


Earlier Friday, The Daily Caller reported that SunTrust Banks had pulled all of its listed properties with the Benham brothers’ bank-owned property business.

The move came just a week after HGTV announced it was canceling a planned home renovation show hosted by the Benhams because of their conservative views on abortion and gay marriage.

By Friday afternoon, SunTrust released a statement saying the decision had been reversed. The bank didn’t go into detail about why they originally cut ties with the Benham brothers, though SunTrust said the decision was made by a third party vendor. TheDC reported earlier Friday that the vendor had told a Benham Brothers franchisee that the bank itself made the decision.

“We clarified our policies with our vendor and they have reinstated the listings with Benham Real Estate,” SunTrust spokeswoman Beth McKenna said.  (continue reading)
