
If you do not denounce Donald Sterling, you are a racist.
If you do not denounce Brendan Eich, you are homophobic.
Yet, if you do not denounce Boko Haram?… (((crickets)))

The progressives are so conflicted when one of “their team” turns out to be a child rapist, abductionist and murderer. Sheeesh, what’s a grievance commission to do without some middle aged white man to rail against ?

U.S. Muslim Groups Say They Won’t Move To Excommunicate Boko Haram!

(Via Daily Caller)  U.S. Islamic leaders won’t try to formally excommunicate the Islamist Boko Haram group unless they can meet with its leadership to debate the religious legitimacy of its actions, a spokesman for a leading mosque told The Daily Caller.

Islam Demonstration“There is a great reluctance to excommunicate someone by extension. … It would be like convicting someone in absentia,” said Imam Johari Abdul-Malik, the spokesman for the “Home of the Migrants” mosque, or Dar Al Hijrah mosque, in Falls Church Va. If crimes have been committed, the Nigerian government should punish the individuals, he added.

On May 7, Abdul Malik led a group of Muslim advocates at a press conference at the National Press Club, where they denied that Islamic strictures are shaping Boko Haram’s years-long campaign of killing and kidnapping Christians.

“Islam is not the problem,” said Ahmed Bedier, a Florida-based Islamic advocate. “We’re tired of people coming on television and asking where does this ideology come from,” Bedier said. “Well, this ideology comes from nowhere,” he insisted. (read more)

Such a loving, warm and inclusive bunch of folks eh?
