This is something the TV media are not reporting to the extent it is an explosive development.  

We know from media reports the two stolen passports were used by two Iranian Nationals.    We have previously been told the passports were used to try and gain entry to Europe their final destination.   However, if this report from the LA Times is accurate EVERYTHING changes and actually aligns with our theory of why the plane was taken.

BEIJING — Stolen passports carried by two Iranian men to board missing Malaysia  Airlines Flight 370 were used last year by two people applying for visas to  work as entertainers in China, according to the head of an entertainment  company.

Xie Zhuoling, the head of a firm that recruits foreign performers for  nightclubs and hotels, said that employment contracts had been signed in June 2013  for Christian Kozel, an Austrian, and Luigi Maraldi, an Italian, to work as  dancers in Ningxia, northern China.

“I remember at the time, these contracts looked very suspicious. Normally  when we recruit performers they are from the Philippines or Russia, where wages  are cheap, not Western European countries like Italy and Austria,’’ said Xie,  who says an office manager for his company, Ningxi Overseas Prosperity Cultural  Import. Co., handled the contracts.  (continue reading)

If the passports were used before by two guys to gain entry into Northern China, then it’s not a jump to think this was “advanced planning” and “scouting”.
North and Western China is a hotbed for Islamic sympathy with a majority Muslim population.
The fact the passports then used in the hands of Iranian nationals to gain access to MH-370 lends further credence to the possibility the State Sponsor for the taken flight was/is Iran.
malaysia search 6
Yes, this aligns with the “search arc” and would indicate a possible flight destination of Iran. 

The goal of any theory development (Hypothesis) is to take newly known empirical evidence and try to disprove  the theory/hypothesis.    The goal is not to take new data and confirm the theory – the goal is to take the new factual data and try to deconstruct it.

If the new data does not destroy the theory – the hypothesis holds for further analysis.

So far today’s data set of new information does not deconstruct the working hypothesis.
