G20 Mexico 2The open border crowd of leftists have long held the belief in a non sovereign global community.   This lies at the heart of their insufferable “it takes a village” beliefs, and their globalist efforts have long been at work in the petri-dish of European multi-cultural Marxism.
Multi-culturalism has failed miserably in their EU experiment, and nationalists are making a resounding, albeit mostly politically correct, comeback against the visible failure.
Here in U.S. the leftist progs hold the same disposition toward a united North American borderless continent.    Obfuscating illegal Mexican immigration into the United States lies at the core of their current approach.    A recent New York Daily News article exposes the rotten core of the Prog hypocrisy.  (actual headline)

Fleeing wrath of vicious cartels,  record-breaking numbers of Mexicans seek political asylum in the U.S.

Mexicans are running  from drug cartel horrors and seeking asylum in skyrocketing numbers. Refugees  tell the Daily News they ran for their lives for chance at safety in the U.S.,  where more than 23,000 Mexicans fled in the first nine months of 2013.

mexico asylum seekers

EXCLUSIVE PHOTO: From right to left, the bodies of a pregnant woman, her  19-year-old sister, a college student, a high school teacher and the pregnant  woman’s husband were hung recently from the welcome sign of rural Limon de la  Luna in Michoacan, allegedly by members of the Knights Templar drug cartel,  which controls nearly the entire state by terrorizing residents.

Antonio Chavez decided he just couldn’t take it anymore when enforcers from  the terrifying Knights Templar drug cartel marched yet again into his small  store in central Mexico, where villagers gathered to drink beer and shoot the  breeze, and told him matter-of-factly that if he didn’t pay up, they would make  him disappear.

The narcotics syndicate owns and extorts virtually every facet of life in  the rural town of La Ruana, where Chavez, 47, was threatened with extinction if  he didn’t hand over $150 each month as a “fee” for the music he played via his  cell phone to entertain his regular customers.

He had seen others disappear at the hands of the cartel, whose members are  also known for decapitating perceived enemies and leaving the heads in the  street. He didn’t doubt they’d do something similar to him. His children, U.S.  citizens living in California, said they’d find a way to get him out legally,  but it could take up to 12 months.  (read more)

But what is the New York Daily News really saying here?    The Mexicans outlined are flooding into the United States requesting “Political Asylum”?  
Inherent in that “Political Asylum” claim  is the supposition the Mexican Government is the issue.   By its very nature political asylum can only be granted around the premise the government from which you flee is dangerous to your liberty.
So if the Mexican government is to be *feared* according to the multi-cultural pontificators, then does that by itself not support the URGENT need for solid BORDER SECURITY ?
