The number of people throughout this nation who can understand exactly what the issues are within this video would not fill a standard college lecture hall. Lucky for us, they are all reading this site. So y’all are in very good company.

It has been several months since this took place. And it might be a good time to refresh your memory, because its going to be with us for a while.
The Brady violations in State discovery are a big deal not only for George Zimmerman, but also for Ben Kruidbos, who has been fired from his job for speaking up about the hiding of, and manipulation of, evidence in the case.
If George Zimmerman is going to approach a malicious prosecution claim against Angela Corey, and subsequently the State of Florida, Ben Kruidbos is going to play a key role. Additionally, the possible sanctions against Bernie De La Rionda and the entire prosecution team – will weigh heavily toward pressure upon Corey to be disciplined, or even fired by her boss, Governor Rick Scott.
If the Brady violations are proven to the court, which in my opinion is not difficult, then the sanctions and discipline against the state could also benefit Ben Kruidbos in any civil action of his own. So both George Zimmerman and Ben Kruidbos stand to benefit from winning the post trial hearing.
Ben kribidbos
That said, there is another aspect that plays into our considerations that John Galt reminded us of yesterday. Kruidbos knows what sneaky processes were used by the State Attorney to hide questionable information from FOIA filings.
Remember at the end of the hearing, Ben told O’Mara of a secret process the state would use to change the subject headings of interoffice communication so public records searches would not discover it.
In essence, if they were talking about apples, and they did not want people to know about the conversation, they would hide the apple convo inside subject talk Oranges. If the data base was searched for apple conversation, it would not show up. So Kruidbos could be of great benefit to our needs because he can outline where the apple conversations would be identified.
Simultaneous to that, we have the largest archive of documented facts around the entire scheme of the prosecution. Kruidbos’s attorney is, well, obviously also aware of that. Not to mention theres no other group of people, except you, who understand the entire scheme better. Other than themselves of course.
Cheryl Peek and Angela CoreyPam Bondi - Angela Corey
So we have a few mutual interests. 1.) Obviously justice for George Zimmerman. 2.) exposing the fraud inside the Corey State’s attorney office. And 3.) seeing Kruidbos made whole from the horrid action taken by Corey just because he exposed her manipulations to the defense.
So Ben Kruidbos could be an ally.
However, there is some room for discussion about whether or not he actually did the right thing in approaching the defense team before he told the prosecution they needed to make it right, or else. He never gave the State the opportunity to stop their unlawful engagements and correct their manipulations.
So my question is more of a moral one. Should Ben Kruidbos be supported?
Understand this question is framed around the principled position that we will not randomly use people only for our own self serving best interests. Meaning if we are not willing to help Kruidbos against Corey, then we should not ask or expect Kruidbos to support our inquiry of him for our endeavors against the same foe.

What say you to this little conundrum ?
