Egypt Banner New
I had to stay up to watch the dawn break in Egypt – The sheer excitement of THIS MOMENT is beyond incredible for us to see in our lifetime. So many thoughts, and I just have to put some onto typeset. First – against the backdrop of our challenge:

Borrowing from Mike Vanderboegh – This is no small thing, to restore a republic after it has fallen into corruption. I have studied history for years and I cannot recall it ever happening. It may be that our task is impossible. Yet, if we do not try then how will we know it can’t be done? And if we do not try, it most certainly won’t be done. The Founders’ Republic, and the larger war for western civilization, will be lost.

But I tell you this: We will not go gently into that bloody collectivist good night. Indeed, we will make with our defiance such a sound as ALL history from that day forward will be forced to note, even if they despise us in the writing of it.

And when we are gone, the scattered, free survivors hiding in the ruins of our once-great republic will sing of our deeds in forbidden songs, tending the flickering flame of individual liberty until it bursts forth again, as it must, generations later. We will live forever, like the Spartans at Thermopylae, in sacred memory.

sandra-fluke_demandsThe U.S. media has infected the electorate with a Kardashian mindset for so long they will have no appropriate constitution to be able to explain what is happening in Egypt right now.
This day is a natural fulfillment of humanities highest aspiration: FREEDOM.
The greatest and most significant lie every perpetually sold upon the American body electorate is the premise the freedom continuum is based on a lack of freedom on the right side of the political spectrum  – “right-wing extremists” –  This is so false, and it is abundantly and joyously evident at this very moment in what you are bearing witness to in Egypt.
If you think about the concept of individual liberty, and contrast it against the overarching control of government, you are left with a lateral continuum where the far left is Big Government control, and the far right is the absence of any government, Anarchy.
This is the natural order of things.
This is also the least understood and most corrupted of the institutional academic lies.  This is the lie that elected Barack Obama – This is the guise which infects our educational systems and perpetuates generations of students unable to grasp the false construct of their indoctrination.
tiananmen-square-3132kIt was this lie, and my understanding of it, which first brought me to the fight for freedom. Because the truth is – the “far-left” is abject losses in individual liberty;  It is totalitarianism; It is communism; It is big controlling government and the abject dispatch of individual liberty.    Everyone gets a trophy.  Pies must be divided.
Subsequently the  “far-right” is the absence of government and a total uncontrolled and selfish capacity of individual liberty;  It is Anarchy;  It is survival of the fittest.  To the victor the spoils.  All the pie.

If you scale the freedom continuum from zero to twenty you find – Communistic control of all freedoms on the zero end, and diametrically on the twenty point you find total anarchy.

A constitutional republic, such as the manner of our nations founding is based around 15 on such a scale. Where government is small, individual liberty is large, and the central government, federal government, only exists with the consent of the governed.   Such was the creation of our Constitutional Republic.
From the moment of our founding those who prefer control have worked tirelessly to move our national location on the freedom continuum toward the left side of such a scale.
Our founders knew this well, and they structured the Republic to guard against our own lack of capacity to push-back against the usurpation, the Fabian socialists….
President Obama reflects the efforts of two generations in that regard. His mindset and ideology is appropriately considered around a 5 on such a scale – moderately described as socialistic in application, and fascist in external consideration.
This position is antithetical to our republic – hence the inherent disconnect and constant struggle (See Obamacare, see Executive Orders, See unconstitutional extension of power).
Another way to think of it:

Communists own the business/liberty of citizens. Socialists control the business/liberty of citizens. The difference is just the length of chain in the shackles. Fascists are the ones who determine how many links are permitted in the chains.

Fortunately, we in the United States have been provided the insight of a founding based on the forethought of framers who knew as soon as the ink was dry upon their constitutional parchment, there would be people working to take away your rights, your liberty.
So they built a system of checks and balances, combined with the brilliant understanding that the minority view must be protected, AND,  have a way to avoid for themselves the associated losses in liberty.
So liberty was protected with a Bill of Rights, and the Federal government was remanded with the 10th amendment to restrict their ability to influence the individual segments within the republic.   All rights not expressly presented by consent to the Federal Government were reserved for the individual states.
This protects us from having a democratically elected office (executive branch) corrupt their way to power, and then leverage such position against the majority will.
What you are witnessing transpire in Egypt is the outcome from the absence of such a system of protection.
Yes, Egyptian President Morsi was democratically elected with 51% of the vote – however, he quickly moved to enact laws, rules, and processes which were only represented by a small minority of Egyptian citizens.  Perhaps 20 – 30%.
This created a problem because the majority now dealing with the loss in liberty (courts disbanded, religious freedom removed, Islamist rules being enacted etc.) left the citizen no recourse for correction.
There not only was no series of checks and balances within a parliamentary system controlled by the President, there was no political mechanism to secure the liberty of the minority.
Egypt thought they elected a moderate, perhaps an eight on our continuum, and what they got was a far-leftist operating and governing on the scale around a four.   Sound familiar?
Yes, Morsi was to Egypt EXACTLY what Obama is to the United States.   Only despite Obama’s protestations, and even despite his corruption of the Senate, we have recourse to control his action – See The House of Representatives.
Obama Erdogan - TurkeyBoth Morsi and Obama are from the Fabian Socialist methodology.  Another regional leader in the exact same alignment is Turkey’s President Erdogan (watch what happens there next – an awakened and empowered electorate seeking freedom is hard to control).
The natural course of human condition is to be free.   Morsi, Erdogan and Obama all reflect an inherent willingness to remove freedom.
We, in the United States still have systems to restrict such ideologies – Egypt never did;  Hence their action.
The U.S. media comes from the schools previously mentioned fraught with indoctrination;  And so it is absolutely understandable they are struggling to explain that which they are now witnessing.
Will the media describe Morsi’s actions accurately as “far left” policies that people rose up to fight back against? (Kirsten Powers knows)
But will the rest of the Lame stream Media be honest?
More likely what you will see is the media selling Morsi as a “far right” ideologue pushed out of power by those on his left.
Pure propaganda.
But what we share is the Truth behind a much needed GREAT AWAKENING.

God Bless The U.S.A.

Patriotic Cowboy Kid
Celebrate today with thoughts of your freedom-aligned Egyptian patriots finally finding a way to their Independence Day.
