Just a quick fyi.
drunkduckA seemingly innocuous revelation, positioned within the Rachel Jeantel testimony, flew “under the radar” for most, except those who have been on-the-ground and heavy into research over the past 18 months.
Rachel mentioned during lengthy Cross Examination by Don West that many of the texts from her phone to Trayvon Martin were not actually made “by her”.
Don West had Jeantel repeat that exact statement a total of 3 more times, but positioned the revelation (“revelation” only to the court and gallery – not new to us) within the context of aggregate phone use.
Didn’t anyone wonder why the question was never asked “who was the ‘other’ person”?
Actually, if you were following Diamond’s circle of what “her area” meant, you would understand the defense would not pose that question intentionally…… YET.
However, the defense did insure that Diamond stayed subponeaed, and available for recall.
You’ll also note the “State” did not want to go there. Either. But you should pay attention to how BDLR appeared when that statement was made. Perhaps, Rod Vereen is going to be, well, busy per se’. Perhaps.
You should also remember the trip to Jacksonville, August 2, 2012, paid for by the State, for Ms. Jeantel to explain some challenging “issues”.   Not only because Bernie is in SERIOUSLY hot water for the now admitted evidence of the State knowing Diamond was NOT hospitalized  -A FULL 8 MONTHS PRIOR TO THEM TELLING THE DEFENSE- But your keen intellect, pushing aside the fog of so much information, would bring you to the question of why did they call her “up there”?
It was NOT because the state knew about the absence of hospital visits.  No, that revelation was an unintended discovery by them.   So what exactly was the reason the state wanted Jeantel and Francine to come pay a visit ?

*It should be noted – even to this DAY, this exact moment– the State has provided to the defense ZERO information about what transpired during that trip, or even the reason for it.  Meaning, there was no formerly documented additional inquiry that the state has provided around this August 2nd 2012 trip in their discovery releases.   The state acts like it never happened, and any time it is brought up the state changes the subject*

Without giving the prosecution too much of an idea -what is factually know- about the answer to the “un-asked question”. We’re just drawing attention to something case followers might understand (better word “grasp”), meaning the context of the 2 x Diamond event(s).
One “friend” phone user being Ms. Jeantel, the other being, well, perhaps more fitting of the physical attributes for a young suitor in the world of NO_LIMIT_NIGGA’s (ie. “eye candy” ie. “girlfriend”).

……you might have heard Witness #8 describe her historical relationship with Trayvon by saying: “he came around my area“.   As she told Don West at the beginning of cross examination:  “His friends would come into my neighborhood“, “we’re friends“…

……. You may also have heard Witness #8 share that she found out on Monday 2/27/12 that Trayvon had died because of “rumors” coming from Krop High School, and she has “friends that go around his school“……


Who is Rachel Jeantel looking at – at this moment?

sybrina listening to W8

Wha,… huh…, what? Who Dat?
