On the heels of the recent reports about the Dept. of Justice beginning to crack down on Free Speech, under the auspices of protecting civil rights, we need to focus attention like a laser beam on the potential collapse of freedom.

Tom perez and Eric HolderWe are the only site that (I’m aware of) willing to tell people about the Federal Dept Of Justice – Community Relations Service (the CRS).   As is the case with all progressive endeavors, the initial function of the CRS was sold to the politicians who fund it, as an entity organized to insure community racial cohesion.

However, it quickly devolved into an entity whose sole purpose was to use Politically Correct leverage, and cultural Marxism, to protect the image of racial minorities from the public visibility of their own behavior.

Shooting Death Of Unarmed Teen Trayvon Martin Sparks National OutrageThe CRS now tries to stop the minority groups, mostly blacks, from burning, looting, killing and terrorizing in the name of Civil Rights. The CRS does not work to stop the behavior as much as they work diligently to stop the media from showing what’s going on. In essence the CRS protects the angry Civil Rights groups from the consequences of their violent tendencies.

In the U.K. there is an entity empowered with the same goal. They are called “Community Support Officers”, or CSO’s.

The model of the U.S.-CRS and the U.K-CSO is essentially the same although our CRS is 30 years older than the CSO of Britian.

[*Note* England also has PCSO’s, established in 02′ which are Police Community Support Officers. The national police dept which President Obama advocated for in 2008/2009 was looking toward a similar structure.]

In our system the CRS reports through the civil rights division of the Federal Dept of Justice; In the British version they report to the Municipal Authorities whose direction comes from their Parliamentary system.

Earlier we brought you the highlight of a new Federal/DOJ initiative to protect American Muslims from Civil Rights Violations. The DOJ is now looking to prosecute people for talking negatively or provocatively about Islam.

In the U.K. their version of the same “protect Islam approach” is already in place because they do not have such constitutional strength to protect free speech as we do with our First Amendment.   However, as noted, those fundamental First Amendment protections are being redefined by the U.S. Dept. Of Justice, through their Civil Rights Division which contains the Community Relations Service.

Mellon Park Rally 3Britain Sept 11 World

So check out what is ahead for us using the CRS, by looking at what is currently taking place in England using the CSO.

A NEWPORT shopkeeper has been forced by police to remove a T-shirt from his shop window because they felt it “could be seen to be inciting racial hatred.”

tshirt obey

Matthew Taylor, 35, the owner of Taylor’s clothes store on Emlyn Walk in the city, printed up and displayed the T-shirt with the slogan: “Obey our laws, respect our beliefs or get out of our country” after Drummer Lee Rigby, 25, was killed in near Woolwich barracks in London last week.

But following a complaint from a member of the public, police came to his store and threatened to arrest him unless he removed the Tshirt from sight.

Mr Taylor said: “I had a visit from two CSOs (community support officers) because it has been reported by someone who felt it was offensive.

“It’s not meant to be offensive.

I didn’t produce it to be offensive. It’s what I believe.

“At the end of the day if you don’t like the way a country is run and don’t like our beliefs then go somewhere else, don’t go killing people.” “I don’t care if you Welsh, Scottish, English, go somewhere else if you don’t like it.”

Mr Taylor said obviously the killing of Drummer Rigby had been in his mind, but having lived in Chepstow close to Beachley barracks for a number of years the armed forces were particularly close to his heart.

[…] Newport city councillor, Majid Rahman said:

“I believe in freedom of speech and defend his rights to say what he wants, but once it starts offending people then it’s a police matter and it’s up to them whether they think it’s broken any laws.”  (link with full story)

“… but once it starts offending people then it’s a police matter…“, that concept should send shivers down the spine of every patriotic American.

Tea Party Recon
