There are just some jaw dropping discoveries coming forth from the Congressional IRS Hearings and the investigative reporting being done into the background and substance of the claims.

(*note* liar avoidance 101 teaches you that when a person says “to be honest with you” as the lead to their next statement – they are NOT to be trusted.  Ever.   Honest people do not need to qualify when they are honest, and when they are lying.)

First: The IRS intentionally withheld the information last year until after the 2012 election cycle because they knew it would destroy the chances for the Democrats and President Obama specifically. Even to the extent they intentionally misled congress:

The Treasury Department’s inspector general testified at a congressional hearing Friday that he had informed Obama administration officials of an investigation into improper scrutiny of conservative non-profit groups by the Internal Revenue Service during the run-up to the 2012 election.

J. Russell George told Treasury’s general counsel of the investigation on June 4, and Deputy Treasury Secretary Neal Wolin — then-Sec. Timothy Geithner’s No. 2 — “shortly thereafter,” according to the New York Times.  (link)

Second, the actual way the scandal was released by Lois Lerner was strategically done.  It was not an accidental leak, but rather a strategic and planned event aimed at testing the depth of the public outrage and being ahead of the Inspector General report released last Tuesday.

Third, even though Commissioner Miller investigated the issue and discussed the person/persons who were to blame, the IRS Chief can’t actually remember who they are:

Rep. Dave Reichert: Who was responsible?

Steven Miller: I don’t have that name sir.

Rep. Dave Reichert: Why don’t you have that name? Did you ask anybody.

Steven Miller: Yes.

Rep. Dave Reichert: Who did you ask?

Steven Miller: I asked the senior technical adviser.

Rep. Dave Reichert: What’s the senior technical adviser’s name?

Steven Miller: Nancy Marks.

Rep. Dave Reichert: And what did Nancy tell you? Who’s responsible?

Steven Miller: By that I don’t remember to be honest with you.

Also Via Gateway Pundit –  IT GETS WORSE! The Obama IRS demanded that several Tea Party groups provide back-end access to their websites.   And, from reliable sources: This happened to several Tea Party groups!

The source has this in writing. It states they wanted access to everything the members had access to, which would be chats, email, contact information, etc. The group raised less than $600. She was targeted as early as October 2010.

Central Texas 912 President, Maria Acosta joined Kristina Ribali from FreedomWorks to discuss being singled out by the Feds.   The IRS asked for back-end access to the group’s website……   And this is a tax question?
