Put another way:  Republicans Still Suck, They Just Suck Less Than The Alternative

The Daily Caller does a great job of outlining why the Wisconsin defeat was such a dramatic defeat for Democrats.  So I’m not going to bother duplicating that aspect.  But what I am going to share is the spin, and the substance of Republican stupidity.
Democrats will say the election was won because of more money spent by pro-Walker advocates, big business.   Wrong for two reasons.   First, Big Labor spent over twenty million on the recall attempt (see matrix below).   Second,  86% of the electorate made up their mind prior to May;  So any material spending really didn’t have an ideological impact unless it was spent to actually support physically getting people to the polling stations.

Second, another highly spoken insufferable spin is about the Wisconsin Exit Polls.   Generally the media framing the false narrative of President Obama with a commanding lead in Wisconsin.  Ridiculous.   Absolutely ridiculous.   Those same exit polls were calling for a 50/50 election split for Walker/Barrett.   How’d that end up?
The “exit polls” are about as useful as an American Flag advancing democracy in Yemen.   The only people who stop to talk to the exit pollsters are loud mouth progs, and the perpetually aggrieved.  Hard working patriots are busy getting back to work, or rushing home to cook real food for their kids before homework.
A popular sign from the 2010 election cycle was “Can You Hear Us Now”?
The short response is hell no.    Hell no they can’t hear you, none of them can.   Either party.   Wisconsin is only the latest ‘Tea Party/Common Sense Conservative’ rebuke of institutional BIG GOVERNMENT political ideology.
In November 2009 the conservative movement, spearheaded primarily by organizing themselves under the Tea Party flags, handed Republican Bob McDonnell the governorship in Virginia.  “They” didn’t listen.
Simultaneously in November 2009 the same conservative electorate gave Republican Chris Christie the governorship in New Jersey.  “They” didn’t listen.
So in January 2010 we moved en mass to Massachusetts and gave Ted Kennedy’s Senate seat to severely underdog Republican Scott Brown so he could help stop Obamacare.  “They didn’t listen”.   Hell, he even later dismissed our impact in his victory.
So then we focused on defeating insufferable establishment Republicans in primaries during the Summer 2010.   Florida, Nevada, Delaware, Alaska, Ohio, Colorado, Kentucky and more.   Yet still “They” didn’t listen.
So in November 2010 we showed up in alarming numbers from East Coast to West Coast and from the Mid-West to the South West and on to the deep south.   We handed the largest House of Representatives sweep in 87 years to Republicans with the largest “Conservative” Freshman class ever.    Guess what?   “They” still didn’t listen.
We flipped the State House and State Senate minorities to majorities in the biggest change of electoral state maps in US history;  all in preparation for redistricting and the big picture.   Nope…. “They” still didn’t listen.

So in 2011 we put boots on the ground in New York City and pushed Anthony Weiner’s solidly Democrat seat to Republican hands; and yet, “They” still didn’t listen.
Instead, “they” raised the debt ceiling, funded an illegal war (Libya), and paid off the fraud that is Pigford II.  Meanwhile the former Republican presidential candidate, John McCain, who we re-elected to the Senate, called us “Hobbits” and “Foolish” then was joined by Alan West who called us “Childish” and “dangerous”.
New Majority Speaker of The House, John Boehner, stepped aside, quivered, and with tears in his eyes and head down he handed President Obama the final destructive IOU’s that he placed in the empty Treasury vault.
You think “they” are going to listen to us now, just because once again we rode into Wisconsin and saved “their” ass?
Fat chance!
I can guarantee you that a host of Decepticon Establishment types will be sending out mass fundraising e-mails on the back of the Wisconsin outcome.   Yet, where was Romney et al when Scott Walker was surrounded, gritting his teeth, and the fleabaggers were holed up in Illinois on the  taxpayers dime?   (((crickets)))    Thought so.

It was Andrew Breitbart and Sarah Palin you saw standing on the Madison Wisconsin Capitol steps in the bitter cold April rain and snow while swinging their patriotic battle axes and screaming back against the SEIU  AFL-CIO, and AFSCME hate-filled orcs.

Meanwhile the Decepticons were holed up next to the fireplace drinking brandy from crystal snifters, smoking cigars and enjoying the comfort of their well-worn Corinthian leather thrones.
Liberals, Progressives and Democrats suck.   Republicans just suck a slight bit less.
So forgive me if I don’t get all warm and fuzzy with the optic of Scott Walker’s victory in Wisconsin now in the rear view mirror.   Nope, ain’t gonna happen.   More than likely it will just be another example in three years worth of examples of the Republican establishment still not understanding what really matters.
It was evident last night in Scott Walkers victory speech.  The typical beginning of Republican acquiescence.   This is exactly why Republicans suck, because as soon as they win, they begin their insufferable cycle of losing again;  losing by visible weakness under the auspices of “reaching across the aisle”.
Democrats don’t give an inch when they win.  Not.One.Inch.   Just watch Obama tell John McCain “I won, the election is over” while ramming Obamacare down our throats by any means necessary.
In Wisconsin the Democrats were beaten in 2010, what did they do, run away to stop any consequence from the election.   When they came back what did they do?  They go after Judge David Prosser to win the court battles.  When they lost that approach what did they do?  They organized a recall.
This is what they did when they lost.   What the Sam Adams do you think they would do if they won?
And yet here is Scott Walker ready to reach across the aisle.   Idiots !
Here we go,…..  once again the pinkie fingers come off the brandy snifters, the trays of crustless sandwiches are presented, and the insufferable short-sighted and “oh, how high roaded” political class begin to construct the reach across the aisle narrative that merely reflects their own weakness and lack of principle.

How Quickly These Bastards Forget
