Once again President Obama shows how incredibly influential his administration can be in the world.   NOT.   President Obama makes a statement to the global community demanding support for a resolution against Syria’s Assad.  Secretary Of State Hillary Clinton follows up and makes demands of the global community for support of Obama, and then UN ambassador Susan Rice delivers the United States demands for a resolution against the Syrian regime.

Russia and China laughing uncontrollably at the little man Obama, Pantsuits, and the woman of bovine fart (global warming) infamy Susan Rice, tell them to sit on their puny foot stomping resolution and rotate.

Once again the childish insignificance of the Apologizer In Chief is showcased upon the world stage.   Once again the failure of Obama’s foreign policy of apology and weakness is front and center for all the world to see and laugh at.    Way to go TEAM Progressives.

However, this brings further concern to the looming attack against Iran.   “Pride cometh before the fall”, or in this case, Obama’s need to show he does have some kind of global significance will be evidenced by his now necessary attack against Iran before the election.

Obama is a weak president in the eyes of those watching.   Both domestically and on the world stage America’s influence has never been more insignificant or ineffectual.   How will poor girly man Obama manipulate the truth of it?   He will use the strength of our military to create the false optic of a “Gutsy Caller”.

Yep, tick tock, tick tock indeed…..   This latest smack in the face of Obama is going to only solidify his resolve to puff out his chest on Iran.   He has too.   He is failing miserably on all other venues of the world stage.   The United States has lost influence, no-one is paying the slightest bit of attention to this appeaser and weak president.   

Danger lies ahead…. 

