Well, well, well… once again common sense was correct.  C-SPAN host and debate moderator Steve Scully has admitted he lied about his Twitter account being hacked:

NEW YORK (AP) — C-SPAN suspends political editor Steve Scully indefinitely after he admits he lied about his Twitter feed being hacked.

Scully ultimately admitted that the hacking claim was a lie and issued a mea culpa.  “These were both errors in judgement for which I am totally responsible for,” he said. “I apologize.” (link)

Mr. Scully’s “errors in judgement” were a result of outing himself as a coordinating member of the anti-Trump resistance; and subsequently destroying the credibility of himself, his organization and the debate commission.  Previously Scully, C-SPAN and the Presidential Debate Commission claimed Scully’s twitter account was “hacked“.



