The media was/is so invested in protecting Hillary Clinton – they have dispatched provable empirical facts in order to drive a demonstrably false narrative.
patti-solis-doyleThere is so much evidence the Clinton campaign began the “birther” narrative against candidate Obama, it is beyond absurd to claim differently.
In short, the media are destroying themselves in epic fashion.
Former Clinton Campaign Manager Patti Solis Doyle admitted today on CNN a Clinton campaign worker originated the story about Obama:

The campaign team of Donald Trump noted and drew attention to the Doyle admission, and outlined further evidence in a media statement.

(link).  The Clinton Campaign Memo hyper-linked in the Trump statement is HERE and below. It originally appeared in an Atlantic article – SEE HERE
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In keeping with the campaign goals outlined in the Mark Penn 2007 memo, back in 2008 Pennsylvania’s former deputy attorney general and Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton supporter Philip J. Berg  filed a lawsuit in federal court in Pennsylvania accusing presumptive Democratic presidential candidate Sen. Barack Obama of lying about his U.S. citizenship, which would have made him ineligible to be president.

[…]  Mr. Berg is one of a faction of Clinton supporters who haven’t heeded the party’s call for unity, filing the suit just days before the opening of the Democratic National Convention, which will nominate Mr. Obama as the party’s presidential candidate.
The suit, filed in U.S. District Court in Philadelphia last week, also names the Democratic National Committee and the Federal Election Commission and says Mr. Obama´s mother went to Kenya late in her pregnancy and ended up giving birth there. It also claims that later in life, Mr. Obama declared himself a citizen of Indonesia.  (link)
Torch summarizes today’s events nicely:

Well what has happened and unfolded today is almost beyond belief.
Trump has trolled the media in EPIC fashion.
This day should be remembered for when the main stream media died.
They are so far in the tank for Clinton, they can’t see the wood for the trees, there is absolutely zero objectivity and they have literally ripped their mask off on Live TV on pretty much every news network. It is simply spectacular what Trump has achieved here.
They had their ridiculous Birther talking points from the Clinton campaign and were running with it no matter what. Instead of hurting Trump, they have given him precious hours of Live TV, free of charge, to utterly demolish the Birther issue in a short snappy statement, along with reminding the world of who actually started it. At the same time, he showed his leadership credentials by wheeling out many military people and heroes to express their unwavering support for him as Commander In Chief.
Meanwhile… Clinton is screaming about Trump is a racist, and puerile tweets are being sent out from her account by her campaign team, that is quite frankly making her look beyond pathetic. Then we have the Congressional Black Caucus, which are so invested in failure and have done so much damage to the black community, freely spewing hate televised by most cable news networks.
So to recap.
Trump has trolled the media.
The Birther issue has been placed firmly on Clinton.
The Media have exposed themselves like never before, completely naked for the world to see.
The Congressional Black Caucus have fell for the bait 100%, swallowed it whole, and are regurgitating utter nonsense for the whole world to see.
I mean it is just extraordinary what has happened here.
If ever there was a day to prove just how utterly amazing Trump is, and how utterly moronic the media and the Democrat Party is, this is it.
Truly mind boggling and to top it off Trump has a rally in Miami Florida at 6 PM ET. Guaranteed to have more people tuning in than usual!

