In a rather stunning development, candidate Donald Trump announces he will visit with Mexico’s president Peña Nieto.

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(Via Lifezette) […] Sources, that include Mexican officials involved in the planning of the visit, who spoke on the condition of anonymity, stated the meeting would cover a broad variety of topics ranging from trade to security to immigration and the contentious issue of border enforcement.

It is expected that Trump advisor and former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani, RNC Chairman Reince Priebus and Alabama Sen. Jeff Sessions, along with high-ranking Mexican officials, will attend the meeting.

Officials expect the two leaders to make some statement following the meeting, but do not expect a full press conference.

The trip is particularly historic for Trump in that no previous non-incumbent presidential nominee of a major party has ever travelled to Mexico as part of his campaign. (read more)

Mexico’s president confirms the visit as a “private meeting”:

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