Last year Matt Drudge warned of this activity, asserting that corporate and SJW interests were going to manipulate the news content feed on platformed social media in an effort to advance a false impression of support.  Looks like he was right as whistle-blowers now tell how Facebook is manipulating content.
(Via Daily Caller) Facebook staff manually inserted the “Black Lives Matter” topic into its trending news feed in order to artificially boost the movement’s popularity and in turn boost the Facebook brand, according to a former employee who curated news for the site.
BLM trump rally
“Facebook got a lot of pressure about not having a trending topic for Black Lives Matter,” the former curator told Gizmodo. “They realized it was a problem, and they boosted it in the ordering. They gave it preference over other topics.”
The report from Gizmodo based on conversations with a number of former Facebook employees reveals the “trending topics” feed Facebook characterizes as “stories that have recently become popular” is actually an inorganic list curated by mostly liberal-leaning journalists trained at Ivy League schools. The whistleblowers said Facebook staff routinely suppressed stories from conservative news sites and injects stories that are not trending into the trending feed in order to make the site look smarter.  (read more)
Hillary Clinton BLM protest
