Mr. Giuliani, who will be a delegate from Manhattan at the Republican National Convention, said he would have more sway on the floor as someone who had not endorsed anyone. (link)

(New York) Former Mayor Rudy Giuliani said he’s voting for fellow New Yorker Donald Trump for president in the April 19 Republican primary.
“I support Trump. I’m gonna vote for Trump,” Giuliani told The Post Thursday.
giuliani trump
Giuliani said he expects Trump will get more than 50 percent of the statewide vote and amass a lion’s share of New York’s 95 delegates.
“It’s a question of how much he gets over 50 percent. If he wins 70 to 80 delegates, Donald has a good shot of securing the 1,237 delegates to secure the nomination before the convention,” Giuliani said.
Giuliani said he met with Ted Cruz a few months ago, before the Texas senator blasted “New York values.”  (read more)
