As predicted The Vatican is now in full clean-up mode after Pope Francis made alarmingly political comments about Donald Trump and questioning his “Christianity”.

However, the remarkable twist today is not found in the walk-back or clean-up per se, but rather in the severity of the papal retreat.  The spokesman for Pope Francis now claiming the Pope’s comments were based on “what he was told” about Donald Trump.  

To understand how much backlash the Vatican has received in Italy and the larger EU, we only need to look at how far back they are pulling the words.  Quite remarkable headline text below via U.K Daily Mail

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(Via Daily Mail)  The Vatican today executed a speedy climb-down in its feud with Donald Trump – handing the Republican White House hopeful a major political victory.

Pope Francis‘s suggestion that Trump was ‘not Christian’ because of his views on immigration was not a personal attack on the candidate, Vatican spokesman Father Federico Lombardi said on Friday.

Lombardi told Vatican radio that the pope’s comments, which were denounced by Trump, were simply an affirmation of his longstanding belief that migrants should be helped and welcomed rather than shut off behind walls.

He also leaned toward confirming Trump’s contention that his statement that Trump was ‘not a Christian’ was based largely on ‘what he was told’ about the billionaire’s position. (read full article)

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