update-1Here is the latest news:

Conner is at home now. Conner, his mother and father, and his sister and brother are all together again for the first time in a couple of weeks.  Menagerie says it was wonderful to see them all together and so happy.

Menagerie reports that Conner is breathing normally, no panting, and he looks really good. She feels much better after seeing him, holding him, and giving him a bottle. As her husband said on the way home “For the first time since that kid’s birth, I feel like everything might be okay now.” I guess we won’t rest easy until the next echocardiogram but it all seems good.

Conner is still taking medication, and he isn’t yet out of the woods, but there is reason to be optimistic.

Menagerie says:  I am touched by how many people feel a connection with our littlest Treeper.

Conner 2 Months
Thank you for your prayers for little Conner.  Your generosity is appreciated more than you can know.
Watching a child suffer is one of the hardest things we can do.
Praying and standing in faith is one of the things we need to do.
Lord God, we praise You for Your compassion and Your goodness.  Marvelous are Your healing mercies.  Baby Conner’s earthly heart is in need of repair, and we stand together feeling helpless.  But Lord, we are reminded that we are not helpless but powerful in prayer.
Heavenly Father we lift up Conner to You, and we ask for Your healing power upon him.  Lord, we ask that Conner’s body be healed and we may be worthy of Your mercy.
It is in Your name we pray.

Previous posts about Conner:

Prayers For Conner

Praying For Baby Conner ….

Update, Praying For Baby Conner ….

