In the unlikely event you can’t hear the sound of the Rhinoceros marching on bubble wrap directly behind you, it might be worth while getting a firmer grip on both your ankles:

[…]  “The Senate Democrats have a big enough number to prevent us from doing things. They prevented us from doing any of the bills that appropriate money for the government, thereby forcing a negotiation when we go back in after Labor Day, which I’ll be engaged in with the administration and others to try to sort out how much we’re going to spend and where we’re going to spend it.”  ~ Mitch McConnell

Yes, that’s Senate Majority Leader, Mitch McConnell, giving a preview of his “budget plan strategy”.
If you find yourself pausing, well, prior to having the jackbooted foot of a $4 trillion spending proposal rammed into your psyche, and asking yourself why the “Senate” leader and not the House Leader is making such proclamations – you might still be stuck in the old School-House-Rock paradigm of thinking that budgety stuff is actually constructed in the House of Representatives. 
Silly rabbit, that is so passe’, so yesterday, such constitutional nonsense and stuff.  This is the modern republican apparatchik we’re talking about.   Cue the Alacee Hastings “Rules, pffft,…we make em’ up as we go along” video.
Don’t worry, the middle-aged orange colored creepy guy who hangs out at the end of the bar trying to pick up college girls will be along shortly.
For now, we get to listen to the pontificating predictions of the turtle-faced Senator in chief.
Oh yeah, and it gets more better:

[…]  The Kentucky Republican said he would work with the White House to come up with budget levels to keep the government open past Sept. 30, conceding that President Barack Obama won’t sign a measure with a rider defunding Planned Parenthood. (link)

McConnell and Boehner
Oh snap.  The grumpy Turtle dispatches his collapsing surrender monkey intents on two hot-button issues even before he gets back from vacation.  How stogy of him, and yet so magnanimously courteous; what with giving President Stompy Feet such a head’s up.

[…]  “We just don’t have the votes to get the outcome that we’d like,” McConnell said. “I would remind all of your viewers: The way you make a law in this country, the Congress has to pass it and the president has to sign it. The president has made it very clear he’s not going to sign any bill that includes defunding of Planned Parenthood, so that’s another issue that awaits a new president hopefully with a different point of view about Planned Parenthood.” (link)

I know, I know…… I know what you’re thinking.  It’s the same thing I’m thinking; heck, it’s the same thing we’ve all been thinking for oh…., well,…. say, as long as we gave them THE DAMN CONTROL OF BOTH HOUSES. 
Something along the lines of: Dear Jackass, the House can pass a budget, and the Senate can pass the same budget using a simple majority -under the budgetary tool of “reconciliation”- which doesn’t need a single Democrat to vote for it.  Duh, or something similar.
That puts the budget, which -annoyingly as it might be to admit- might just contain conservative principles, directly on the desk of Heir Stompy to decide what to do next.
Yeah, we know, that might mean a VETO – OhMyGosh, heaven forbid – and then a budget fight over those pesky principles and stuff.  You know, “VETO”, that thing Obama doesn’t have to deal with since you never give him any legislation he doesn’t agree with. Yeah, that thing.
Nah, what, with all that bother and stuff.  ‘Tis far better to just announce your spineless surrender-monkey intents before you even get back to DC.  Yeah, that’s a strategy, that’s the ticket….
Remind us why we needed to give you a majority in both the House and Senate again?
Yeah, thought so.  Waiting for Jeb are ya?
Yeah, and things will be all better then right?

baby_middle_finger$20,000,000,000,000.00 !!

