netanyahu3SHEEESH !!  The Democrat response to the Netanyahu speech before congress is over-the-top ridiculous.  Congressional Cuckoo Birds… 
What makes the entire thing all the more absurd is that the White House was fully informed by both Speak Boehner and Benjamin Netanyahu, yet Democrats are determined to run with an entirely manufactured White House talking point.
The White House claimed Speaker Boehner invited Prime Minister Netanyahu without consulting with President Obama; ergo their chosen narrative became Obama was disrespected. However, since the time the White House made such a claim, it has been proven that Boehner did inform the administration; and secondly, prior to Netanyahu accepting the invitation he too contacted the White House to discuss. It was the white house who refused to discuss – apparently, just so they could manufacture a controversy.
Now the Congressional Black Caucus is pushing the narrative that House Speaker Boehner and Israel’s Benjamin Netanyahu are racist leaders who are attacking President Obama simply because Obama is black. The White House has tried to use the position that any opposition to President Obama’s policies contain racist connotations before, but this recent effort is beyond absurd.
Yesterday Representative Charlie Rangel challenged Prime Minister Netanyahu to a fight because Rangel was defending Obama’s honor or something. Today Rep Hank ‘Tippy Guam’ Johnson enters the foray:
obama rhodes mcdonough
(Via Politico) The audience for Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s speech to Congress on March 3 is shaping up to be largely Republican — and almost completely white.
Many members of the Congressional Black Caucus say they’re planning to skip the speech, calling it a slight to President Barack Obama that they can’t and won’t support.
“To me, it is somewhat of an insult to the president of the United States,” said Rep. Greg Meeks (D-N.Y.), leaving the White House on Tuesday after a long meeting with Obama and Vice President Joe Biden, who also will miss the speech. “Barack Obama is my president. He’s the nation’s president, and it is clear, therefore, that I’m not going to be there, as a result of that, not as a result of the good people of Israel.” […]
But the CBC reaction has been particularly potent, striking at the political alliance between Jews and African-Americans that dates to the civil rights movement but has grown more fraught over the years.
Often Obama’s strongest defenders against political attacks, black members say they’re outraged that a foreign leader would try to intervene in the U.S. political process.
“It’s not just about disrespect for the president, it’s disrespect for the American people and our system of government for a foreign leader to insert himself into a issue that our policymakers are grappling with,” said Rep. Hank Johnson (D-Ga.). “It’s not simply about President Obama being a black man disrespected by a foreign leader. It’s deeper than that.” (read more)
hank johnson h8
