At approximately midnight on Saturday night  Seldin Dzananovic, 24, was attacked by a group of black Saint Louis teen thugs wielding hammers.  Mr. Dzananovic was able to escape the attack suffering bruises and scratches.
However, an hour later 32-year-old Zemir Begic would not be so fortunate.  Mr. Begic was brutally murdered by the same teens around 1:30am.
The Saint Louis Post Dispatch reports: “members of the group yelled at Begic, his fiancée and two others as they walked to Begic’s car. As the vehicle drove away, one teen jumped on the back and began beating on it. Begic stopped and got out, and one of the men taunted him to fight before all four attacked — and continued to beat him after he fell to the ground”.

Suspect 17 year old Robert Mitchell, one of the four teens.

In response to the attack, a spokesperson for the Saint Louis police department released the following statement:

“We think it was wrong place, wrong time,” police spokeswoman Schron Jackson said.

Whoa, apparently, there are rules for safe transit in Saint Louis which both victims, Mr Dzananovic and Mr. Begic, violated.  Hence, they subjected themselves to the “wrong place, wrong time” murder justification explanation.
Taken in the abstract the audacity of the authorities to blame the victim for his own brutal murder is horrendous enough.   However, taken in context the outrage amplifies by exponential magnitudes.
It was only two weeks ago when, in response to the continuing #Ferguson antagonism, Saint Louis Mayor Slay told the Saint Louis citizenry:
Saint Louis Mayor Slay
Given the history of heightened tension in and around the area, a resident has to ask themselves if the attack upon Mr. Begic was an example of the anticipated “disruption“.
CBS reported the earlier plans as: [Mayor Slay]has agreed to let protesters occupy public spaces and even be “disruptive but not violent.”  “Like blocking the street or blocking a sidewalk for a specific period of time,” Slay told KMOX.  Slay obviously grabbing a tiger by the tail and shouting to the citizens of Saint Louis ‘Don’t worry, I can control this’.
Apparently not.
According to Mayor Slay yesterday:

“There is no evidence that this [murder] was a crime occasioned by the race or ethnicity of the victim,” Mayor Francis Slay declared in a formal statement. He added, “Speculation that this attack had anything to do with the Ferguson protests is absolutely unfounded.”

Guilty conscience?  You decide.
However, the Mayor’s position does lend a reader toward a particular curiosity.   If the white victim was not targeted because of his race, or skin color, then who exactly were the teenagers (ages 15, 16 and 17) looking to attack at one o’clock in the morning as they walked around with hammers in the middle of the night?
bosnianmurderedWas the white victim, Mr. Dzananovic, who escaped an hour earlier, just coincidental to the white victim who was brutally murdered by the black teens a short time later?
Apparently Mayor Slay and Police Chief Sam Dotson would like you to reconcile as such.
Alas, another resident happened to notice those same teens chanting “eff the white people, kill the white people“, just a short time before.  I guess we are supposed to overlook that part, or then again, is that only in the approved “right areas” for transit?
Perhaps some enterprising honest journalist will find it valuable to question Mayor Slay more directly, as to actually get officials on record for the rules of the Safari Park they seem to be in charge of.
Perhaps if people know the rules, it would be far easier to avoid being in the “wrong place, at the wrong time“.  Which would further assist residents in understanding where the “right places and right times” might be located.
However, all is not hopeless – if you browse the comment sections of the media articles who are writing about this event you will find the vast majority of the population can smell the root reasoning for the political denials.   Which conversely makes the officials involved in the denials seem awkwardly pathetic.
Then again, perhaps next week the Saint Louis Rams can run onto the football field carrying hammers, and hit the goalposts just to insure the message is delivered.
hands up dont shoot rams
Whatever you do, don’t get caught with a bracelet saying “I Am Darren Wilson”, because that’s liable to get you into hot water – or fired.
No, for the next football game you’d be much safer sticking with this logo:
hammer logo
for some odd reason it’s apparently far less controversial.
