Mr. Grande Lum is the Director of the Community Relations Service within the DOJ apparatus. In his role he’s responsible for both ramping up, and then tamping down, the useful racial division as controlled by the Civil Rights Group within the DOJ.
In essence it’s Grande Lum who is the bridge between Eric Holder and the community leadership being manipulated. Lum gets the instructions from the professional racists like Holder and then executes the performance. Everything, obviously, with CRS secrecy and DOJ plausible deniability.
Eric Holder
The latest DOJ press conversations are blindingly laughable. “Justice Dept. ‘exasperated’ by local probe of Missouri teen shooting“; really? Give me a break what a bunch of abject baloney:

(Reuters) – U.S. Justice Department officials on Thursday criticized local authorities’ investigation of the shooting death of an unarmed black teenager in Ferguson, Missouri, saying the case had been handled in a “selective” and “inappropriate” manner
[…] In a meeting with Justice Department lawyers on Wednesday, Holder said he was “exasperated” by the “selective flow of information coming out of Missouri” and called the leaks “inappropriate and troubling,” the official said. (link)

The problem with this faux-outrage is the leaks discussed are not from Saint Louis, they are from Washington DC.
All of the evidence in the Mike Brown shooting case is copied and transferred to the DOJ since they opened an official inquiry three days after the shooting on August 11th 2014.
DC is where the source of the leaks comes from. Even Chris King admitted the contact source, willing to leak him information for his black audience paper, was a federal official. Those federal officials are working diligently on behalf of the Community Relations Service (CRS), that’s Grande Lum.
One of the lessons we learned in the Trayvon Martin shooting, which created the George Zimmerman case, was to do a better job looking and tracking the up-stream leadership. In the Trayvon Martin case, despite thousands of hours of research, it was the one thing we did poorly.
We learned from that experience and began cataloging the up-stream leadership discussions on the dates they took place.
We began saving screen shots, articles, tweets, and media reports showing discussions between President Obama and Eric Holder.  While they don’t hold value at the moment they are captured, those captures hold value once the information is released.
Once the information is released you can then look back to the discussions and identify when DC officials knew the details contained in the information.  You can then present the reality of what they knew, and, more importantly, what they did with ‘what they knew’.
That’s why we are now able to go back to meetings like this one held on 8/18/14, compare it to the date of the official release of the Mike Brown autopsy, and say with certainty that during this meeting President Obama and DOJ head General Eric Holder knew the content of the forensic and toxicology results.
potus and Holder president obama and eric holder
When President Obama met with Eric Holder (during the weekend respite of his vacation) it was 9 days after the shooting. They knew:

• The official statement of Officer Darren Wilson, written and two interviews; • the initial witness statements that both corroborated and questioned Officer Wilson; • the autopsy and toxicology report results which supported Officer Wilson; • and they knew the forensic analysis of the physical evidence which staged the scene of the shooting itself.

They knew all of this stuff on August 18th.

Nothing which has been released after that date is divergent from the information they held on August 18th, other than: • a conformational interview of Darren Wilson (recorded) with the FBI, • and the official witness statements as delivered to the Grand Jury.
That’s it. Those are the only additions, albeit some of them made more official via Grand Jury transcript etc.
Then Officer Darren Wilson sat down with the Grand Jury for four hours and answered questions (without an attorney).
potus and Holder president obama and eric holderSo when you look at that picture of President Obama and Eric Holder discussing the known evidence of 8/18/14, think about what they did, or actually what they didn’t do, between then and now.
Including the Mike Brown funeral which was a week later (8/25/14).
Think about President Obama and Eric Holder watching the Scheme Team pontificate about the “family autopsy”, which was coincidentally printed in the New York Times 8/17/14 and press conference 8/18/14.
Think about that performance knowing that Obama and Holder had in their hands the official results from the Saint Louis autopsy on the same date.
mike brown autopsy presser
Eric Holder knew the “Hands Up – Don’t Shoot” meme was false on the day the scheme team was selling it. Eric Holder and President Obama knew the “execution style” shot to the head was false, on the day the scheme team was selling it.
Obama/Holder knew about the TWO SHOTS in the car, the Mike Brown blood on Officer Wilson, the injuries to Wilson, the gunshot wound to Big Mike’s hand, and Obama/Holder knew of the eight African American corroborating witness statements which supported Officer Wilson.
They knew all of this on 8/18/14 as they watched the Scheme Team on TV.
Yet what did they do to stop Ferguson Missouri from burning, looting and chaos?
Now ask yourself…. “WHY” ?
