Finding the location of Dorian Johnson mere minutes after the shooting of “Big Mike” Brown has profound implications toward understanding the events that took place when Officer Darren Wilson shot “Big Mike” Brown in Ferguson Missouri.

Dorian Johnson hands upInitially during our research we identified Dorian in the Northwestern quadrant of the Canfield apartment complex nearby the three witnesses who made the New York Media circuit:  Tiffany Mitchell, Piaget Crenshaw and Michael Brady.
This quadrant was where most of the broadcast media footage was taken during the immediate aftermath to the shooting.   This was also where Dorian, Tiffany and Piaget gave their initial media interviews with the guidance of activist, Anthony Shahid, and Mike Brown cousin, Calvin Ewings.
Finding Dorian amid this crowd helped us to understand the origin of the “Hands Up” narrative.   But that initial Dorian interview was an hour after the shooting – with a considerable crowd around, and after a second phase police perimeter was established.
However, Treeper LJP has identified a much earlier position of Dorian Johnson which is vitally important to understanding other pieces of the puzzle.
Much earlier pieces.
The Lost Angeles Times interviewed an eye witness from another building.  Within that article they show a view of the immediate shooting area looking Southwest.  (graphic below)
Canfield Map with LA Times Perspective
dorian in trees
We can tell through the timing of overlapping video perspectives that this LA Times video was shot at 12:09pm +/-   12:10pm +/-  and we find Dorian in the background treeline looking on toward the escalating crowd.
Timing – According to the CNN gunshot audio, and witness testimony, the shooting took place at 12:02pm.  So this video segment (SEE HERE) begins about 7 minutes after the shooting.
The second police car arrived at 12:03pm and the scene commander arrived at 12:04pm.
There are numerous video’s showing the aftermath of the shooting scene.   However we know the body of Mike Brown was covered at 12:17pm by paramedics;  so we can work the timelines by looking at that specific moment in any video and working our way back or forward with the time guide on the videos to establish time of day on another and/or sync them up.
Video Recorders Staring At Each Other
For instance the exact opposite view of the LA Times video is seen in the “Black Canseco” video upload which we know began at 12:07pm.  (Because the body is covered 10 minutes into the video, and the body was covered at 12:17pm):

Using the LA Times video perspective, Dorian Johnson can be spotted amid the trees  behind the “Black Canseco” videographer, who, coincidentally we have now been able to identify.
This is secondarily important because it substantiates the unknown witness testimony contained within the background conversation of the Canseco video who is heard to say:

WITNESS (8:40 – 8:51): – he broke off running. Because I’m telling [inaudible] his partner ran through. His partner ran through here man, it looked to me [inaudible] that way.  (link)

We had a hunch the witness was pointing behind himself, essentially south, because Dorian’s apartment is located South.
Dorian map address
Dorian Johnson being located in the vicinity of his apartment makes sense.
Because of what was happening on Canfield Drive he would have gone around the back.
He would have cut through the back of the apartment building to get there.
Dorian under tree 2
dorian tree 1
To fully understand the value of this find you must attach his location at 12:09pm to his involvement in the shooting, and the immediate influx of swarms of police.
According to Dorian’s own testimony and that of witness Michael Brady, Dorian was hiding behind a white two-door vehicle -which was halfway over the sidewalk- when officer Darren Wilson began following Mike Brown headed East down Canfield Drive.
Witness Michael Brady noted Dorian in this location as Wilson began his pursuit.
Locate the perspective of Michael Brady, the White Vehicle, and the position of Dorian Johnson on this reference map – which we know was moments before the shots were fired by Wilson (approximately 12:01pm)
Canfield Map 6 Evidence Markers - Witnesses - White Vehicle
The “two-door white vehicle” was paused in that location by the road blocking Police SUV, when Dorian Johnson ran behind it.  (12:01pm)
Moments later, according to Dorian, Mike Brown tells Dorian to “run”.
Which way he ran has always been a key question.
It’s now virtually assured that Dorian ran in the opposite direction to Wilson who was in the firing position and headed East toward Mike Brown.
Why “assured”?
Well #1)  he’s not going to run from cover in the same direction as Mike Brown who was 30 to 50 feet East.  #2)  He’s NOT going to run toward Wilson.   #3) He’s going to run away from Wilson who’s advancing toward the East.
And most importantly,  #4) wherever he runs he’s going to be stuck there because within a minute the second, third and a dozen more police vehicles are going to arrive.
Canfield Map 8 Quadrants
Dorian appearing in the Southwest quadrant (in the treeline) at 12:09pm, with Police perimeter one established, makes his exit direction from behind the white vehicle look like this:
canfield Dorian escape
Dorian running behind the apartment complex leaving Officer Wilson and “Big Mike” Brown alone on Canfield Drive.
This gives Dorian a direct route to his Apartment without being seen by any arriving officers who were there about 90 seconds later (12:03pm) when Mike Brady began recording from his front balcony.   Brady did NOT record Dorian Johnson.
Within the next 3 minutes the entire crime scene perimeter was secured and crime scene tape put into place by the swarming officers.   Additionally six to ten police vehicles arrived on scene between 12:04 and 12:06pm
By the time the Black Canseco recording begins (12:07pm), and LATimes video (12:09pm), the perimeter was fully established with crime scene tape.
….. and Dorian is in the Treeline.
There are too many factually known variables which would eliminate the possibility of Dorian running in any other direction – without getting into that White Vehicle.
In essence it is virtually assured Dorian ran behind that apartment building toward his apartment and at 12:09pm was standing on the elevated grassy area looking down toward the scene as the crowds began to gather:
Dorian under tree 2
dorian in trees
Treeline - Dorian
Having established his critical path we can now explain, with detail, how THAT DECISION played out from the perspective of Officer Darren Wilson at the exact moment it was taking place…..
….. It had profound consequences.
And, oh yeah, the cliffhanger:
white 2 door monte
