Of course they haven’t; no need to.   Just stay home – we’ll give you a call and tell you when your appointment date is for the gallows…. 

wilson 1(Via MediaIte) It has been nearly two weeks since Ferguson police officer Darren Wilson shot and killed 18-year-old unarmed Michael Brown and according to a new report from the Washington Post, prosecutors in the case have still not spoken directly to the potential defendant.
​St. Louis County Prosecutor Robert McCulloch is expected to handle the case, despite calls from him to recuse himself because his own father, a police officer, was murdered by an African-American man.
“We’re gonna proceed, as I’ve laid out to people, until I’m told — if i’m told — by the governor that I can’t,” McCulloch said in an interview Wednesday. “And the most devastating thing that can happen is if a week from now, a month from now, he decides he’s taking me off of this case. Then everybody’s starting over.”
On Thursday, Gov. Jay Nixon (D-MO) indicated that he will not appoint a special prosecutor to handle the Ferguson case:  (more)
