A false narrative is a quick assembly but horridly slow in the deconstruction.

More evidence comes out to support Officer Darren Wilson’s contention that Mike Brown punched him in the vehicle and a struggle for the officer’s gun ensued.   Medical reports reflect Officer Wilson suffered a broken orbital socket  (eye), and was treated at a local hospital for his injuries.

This provides more affirmation toward the officers version of events.   In addition a local reporter has claimed 12 eye witnesses support Officer Wilson’s version, along with the audio we discovered of a detached eye witness, with no vested interest, speaking off camera and describing the officer supported scenario.
In addition we also know the federal autopsy is complete:

TIME […]  FBI agents have successfully canvassed the area around the shooting scene for witnesses and are sharing what they’ve learned with St. Louis County investigators, said Richard G. Callahan, U.S Attorney for the Eastern District of Missouri. An autopsy by a top U.S. military forensic examiner was completed on Monday and “physical evidence is being analyzed.”

There are no plans, however, to make details of the investigation public before the information is presented to a St. Louis County grand jury—a process that will take weeks or months. Callahan acknowledged the tension between the needs of investigators and the demands of the media and protesters.  (continue reading)

Eric Holder CRSDaryl Parks and President Obama

Eric Holder is scheduled to be in Ferguson tomorrow along with the head of the Federal Racial Stazi, “The Community Relations Service”.  A taxpayer funded toxic bunch of occupiers, leftists, Marxist organizers, and racially motivated hate mongers – that’s the DOJ Civil Rights Division CRS service.
And for those of you questioning, the CRS has statutorily protected judicial authority, and they can not only order the removal of the local prosecutor, they can appoint the judge for the case.
Parks and Crump
I’d also like to draw your attention to a sharp pickup by Nivico on an earlier thread:

“The Scheme Team hired Baden to do an autopsy review and brought on scam artists Parcell as insurance.”
It would actually appear that Baden is the one who was brought on as insurance…
1) Wed Aug 13 – Parcells was contacted by Crump and Gray (allegedly just to assist Baden)
2) Fri Aug 15 – Parks told the media that their independent autopsy had already been performed
3) Sun Aug 17 – Baden was flown in
If Parcells was just supposed to be assisting Baden, why was Parks stating that the autopsy had already been performed two days before Baden was even flown in?
It would seem that Baden is another Shiping Bao… signing off on an autopsy he didn’t actually perform and wasn’t present for.  (link)

baden 2

