At a meeting held in New Hampshire to address parent’s unhappiness and push back against the “Common Core” curriculum, the meeting opened with a “moderator” setting the stage for the idea that parents who oppose “Common Core” have a hidden (racist) agenda and their concerns about Common Core are unfounded, unreasonable and worthy of dismissal:


“Every teacher that’s using it, is basically saying, this is inspiring …people who are actually using it, like it, again, in terms of local control, you still have local control, if you want higher standards, if that is your genuine point (emphasis mine), then you can go ahead and do the higher standards and the process was indeed entirely transparent…

A teacher who drafted the standards starts to speak:

“I’m not being paid to be here, either. I’m just a teacher who helped write the standards.  And the reason I helped write the standards, and why I am here today, is that I as a white male in society, I am given a lot of privilege that I didn’t earn.

(crowd murmurs disagreement….)

…and as a result, I think it’s really important that all kids have an equal opportunity to read…”

Anyone who opposes Common Core is a racist who wants stop underprivileged kids from learning how to read …. Got it?

More and more people are stepping from the shadows to explain that a huge motivator behind Common Core was indoctrination of vulnerable young people, outside of the influence of their parents, into the ideology/guilt of “White Privilege”.
