Ouch.   Just another of those unintended consequences from passing a bill before reading, and enacting before it’s ready.

Doctor ObamaHatTip dmoseylou – Here’s the summary:   A guy is actually able to navigate the HHS Obamacare website.   He completes his registration, enters in all the information, reviews his options to select coverage, sees the price and then declines to accept.
Essentially he almost enrolls but then chooses to do further research and find if additional private coverage not on the exchange might be available for him.
Should be no big deal right?
A few days pass and what does he get in the mail?   A bill from the IRS for $95 for not selecting a coverage plan.   Yes, that’s right – he got the first year penalty immediately assessed just for NOT enrolling.
D’oh,….. Apparently the system is set up to recognize such consumers as “uninsured” and assumes you will not get alternate coverage.  Ergo you are uninsured and now subject to the penalty…. so, pay you must !
The discussion and example is on the Fox News Business Website (video)
