a-prayer-for-times-like-theseOn the eve of the “real” first day of trial…..  I’m afforded a particular liberty now, not 100% but still much more, than was available before.

So let’s take you with us a little on the journey per se:

Please understand that there are still so many aspects we must prudently keep from open disclosure – The “scraping” of the Tree House as a prosecution resource is, as it has been for the past year, a concern before keystrokes.

I’ve been more open lately (less filtered) with the M-DSPD aspects because quite frankly the hourglass sand has been disappearing rapidly as of late – All building toward this date.

After spending thousands of hours, and thousands of miles, on this journey I can say with relative confidence the “TRUTH” about Trayvon in Miami-Dade  is far worse than even the most die-hard insider would grasp.

patriot-hold the lineTomorrow, thanks to some great and newly leveraged resources (First Amendment Foundation, Tallahassee) we begin emergency legal motions to force sunlight onto the issues we have previously shared.

Will this lead to my being able to rush into the courthouse -files in hand- and pass along to the defense team at the critical hour?  Not sure – but I can assure you if I get them, I will.

Yes, we are at that point where, for the first time, I’m willing to engage the Defense Team directly.

For the past several months we have been engaged in a Truth Search against multiple self-interested parties all with a vested interest in keeping the Truth hidden.   From Miami-Dade, to Daytona, to Jacksonville, to Orlando, back to Miami-Dade, thousands of miles logged – and dozens of interviews to determine exactly what exists and who knows of its existence.

We believe the State of Florida knows exactly what is within the vault files from the M-DSPD internal affairs investigation and all 20 of the on-the-record, sworn statements and affidavits contained in it.

We know (with specific dated facts and interviews) that at least one member, of the FDLE field office in Miami-Dade, was provided this information after a direct phone call from the office of Angela Corey.   The call directed them to gather the documents and data and send them *urgently* to Jacksonville.

We also know the reason the key testimony, which was given under oath, was not transcribed on purpose.  It was recorded.   The absence of the court officer to transcribe, swear and certify was intentional.   The manner they used creates a greater difficulty in getting the information released – more bureaucracy.  Layers and lawyers of approvals, reviews, etc etc.

We also know the local parties at risk of exposure made a coordinated decision to delay release.   Actually, they are still attempting such delays.  We had to modify our approach after we realized this was not all just accidental bureaucracy – No, it became obvious this was intentional stalling;  And we had to prove it, legally prove it, which we did.

Driving up and down the I-95 corridor, back and forth over the Florida Turnpike, often in the middle of the night, to talk to people and find the crumbs we needed to get the proof.  Exhausting.

But we’re right there at that moment now when the lock to Pandora’s box is cut away – and we stand eagerly ready to snatch the information as soon as the lid is lifted.

The light from that inside that box does not bother us, it validates us.  However, that same light will burn all others around it who have worked so maliciously to keep it buried, locked, hidden and away from review.   Trust me they aren’t wanting that lid opened, even now.

Back in Orlando the CRS has organized quite an assembly of law enforcement optics for public consumption.   You might note that in all the *key areas* of public review there are police officers of particular race strategically positioned.

These law enforcement officers are NOT from Sanford or Seminole County.  Actually, they are not entirely from Orange County either – They are from all over, and included in their ranks are members of the Federal Justice Department.

What you are witnessing on Television and in the newspapers is scripted, controlled, and specifically coordinated to send a very specific message.   Don’t think this is at all normal, it’s not.   This is coordination of the HIGHEST order.   It’s Hollywoodesque in how the scripted it is, they even have a director playing it out.   A well-funded production paid for by you – for your consumption.

Until recently I never knew exactly how coordinated this was.

Orlando Courthouse

The media have a strategy too.   To them George Zimmerman is a product.  A  product to be exploited.   The delivery method for their financial stakes is this highly produced and carefully scripted trial.

That’s why the full weight of the institutional media complex has been 100% in alignment with the State and Feds regarding the persecution of George Zimmerman.   Not the individual reporters though; in our travels, we have encountered a few willing to listen and accepting of the irrefutable facts presented.   However, when they seek permission to engage from the Top Floor they are told to ignore it.

The Top Floor of the industrial media complex needs this trial for the revenue it brings.  Madison avenue need this trial for the revenue it brings.   Trademarked parents need this trial for the revenue it brings.

Everyone has skin in the game.

No-one has a vested interest in the Truth.

No-one except George Zimmerman.

[*I don’t want this post to be controversial, but if you knew how much influence the Madison Avenue crowd carried, you would better understand why Mark O’Mara is doing what he’s doing; and who he is actually staying in the good graces of;  and why it has been so frustrating to watch it play out.  True]

There’s a reason why Paula Deen is being played up as a racist on the eve of this Trial starting.   There’s a reason for why the CRS is controlling the optics around the courthouse in Orlando.

There are also scripted reasons why this trial is being rushed to start now.    A three-week trial starting today ends when?   What happens on July 13th => July 17th, 2013 ?

NAACP 2013 Convention

Remember:  George Zimmerman is a Product

The economy sucks, convention attendance is poor for all social attendees.   Madison Avenue is constantly searching for ways to generate excitement and ultimately money.   There is a national conversation about “Gun Rights”.   There are ongoing battles for permanent amnesty for Illegals.   There is a major struggle for the very fabric of U.S. society.

All of these aspects coagulate around one central political distinction – the race of national leadership.

It is what it is.   It’s not politically correct to point it out, but it’s still true.

Charlie Brown Racist

So when we are fighting to get information that can eliminate, avoid, or perhaps totally destroy the carefully scripted revenue streams for thousands of interested parties, do you really think we get much support?

Think about it.

We are standing in the room as a spectator waiting for that lid to be removed – they have tried to keep us out;  They lied, they schemed, they manipulated, they obfuscated, they blocked, and yet here we are.   Standing.   Waiting for that lid to be removed so we can grab the content, dash to Orlando, and expose the rot.

Ask yourself these questions:  Who benefits from that lid opening? Who benefits from keeping it closed?

When you honestly reflect upon those questions you realize what this is all about.

It isn’t about George Zimmerman.

