
Lots of folks are praising Lindsey Graham for his stance about Benghazi.   However, it is prudent to remember he has been a face of manipulated optical opposition before.  I don’t trust Graham, and this could well be just another decepticon angle to keep the patriots away from the gates as they look back yelling “we got this”.   They don’t want you, me, or anyone, looking over the wall or beyond the gate.

WASHINGTON DC – Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC) appeared on CBS News’ Face the Nation with Bob Schieffer on Sunday where he pledged to try to block the nominations of both Chuck Hagel and John Brennan in an effort to get more information about the 2012 attack on an American consulate in Benghazi out of President Barack Obama.

Graham told Schieffer that he thought it was unfortunate that Obama did not place a personal call to officials in the Libyan government on the evening of September 11, 2012, when an American consulate in Libya was overrun by militants.

“I do believe, if he had picked up the phone and called the Libyan government, these folks could have gotten out of the airport to the annex and the last two guys may very well be alive,” Graham said. “If he failed to call on behalf of those people under siege, then I think that’s a massive failure of leadership by the commander-in-chief.”

“This seems to be a very disengaged president,” Graham said. “I’m not going to stop until we get an accounting.”

“If they don’t give you an answer, what can you do?” Schieffer asked. Graham replied that he was not prepared to vote to confirm either Brennan as CIA Director or Hagel as Secretary of Defense unless the White House comes forward with more information about the president’s actions on the night of the Benghazi attack.  (read more)
